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Identifiability and estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters for the ligands of the macrophage mannose receptor

Nathalie Verdiere, Lilianne Denis-Vidal, Ghislaine Joly-Blanchard, Dominique Domurado (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The aim of this paper is numerical estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters of the ligands of the macrophage mannose receptor, without knowing it a priori the values of these parameters. However, it first requires a model identifiability analysis, which is done by applying an algorithm implemented in a symbolic computation language. It is shown that this step can lead to a direct numerical estimation algorithm. In this way, a first estimate is computed from noisy simulated observations without it...

Improving Cancer Therapy by Doxorubicin and Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor: Insights from a Computerized Model of Human Granulopoiesis

V. Vainstein, Y. Ginosar, M. Shoham, A. Ianovski, A. Rabinovich, Y. Kogan, V. Selitser, Z. Agur (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Neutropenia is a significant dose-limiting toxicity of cancer chemotherapy, especially in dose-intensified regimens. It is widely treated by injections of Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF). However, optimal schedules of G-CSF administration are still not determined. In order to aid in identifying more efficacious and less neutropenic treatment protocols, we studied a detailed physiologically-based computer model of granulopoiesis, as affected by different treatment schedules of doxorubicin...

Input-output systems in Biology and Chemistry and a class of mathematical models describing them

Erich Bohl, Ivo Marek (2005)

Applications of Mathematics

Our aim is to show a class of mathematical models in application to some problems of cell biology. Typically, our models are described via classical chemical networks. This property is visualized by a conservation law. Mathematically, this conservation law guarantees most of the mathematical properties of the models such as global existence and uniqueness of solutions as well as positivity of the solutions for positive data. These properties are consequences of the fact that the infinitesimal generators...

Intracellular Modelling of Cell-Matrix Adhesion during Cancer Cell Invasion

V. Andasari, M.A.J. Chaplain (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

When invading the tissue, malignant tumour cells (i.e. cancer cells) need to detach from neighbouring cells, degrade the basement membrane, and migrate through the extracellular matrix. These processes require loss of cell-cell adhesion and enhancement of cell-matrix adhesion. In this paper we present a mathematical model of an intracellular pathway for the interactions between a cancer cell and the extracellular matrix. Cancer cells use similar...

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