Non-tangential limits of the double layer potentials

Miroslav Dont

Časopis pro pěstování matematiky (1972)

  • Volume: 097, Issue: 3, page 231-258
  • ISSN: 0528-2195

How to cite


Dont, Miroslav. "Non-tangential limits of the double layer potentials." Časopis pro pěstování matematiky 097.3 (1972): 231-258. <>.

author = {Dont, Miroslav},
journal = {Časopis pro pěstování matematiky},
language = {eng},
number = {3},
pages = {231-258},
publisher = {Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences},
title = {Non-tangential limits of the double layer potentials},
url = {},
volume = {097},
year = {1972},

AU - Dont, Miroslav
TI - Non-tangential limits of the double layer potentials
JO - Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
PY - 1972
PB - Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
VL - 097
IS - 3
SP - 231
EP - 258
LA - eng
UR -
ER -


  1. N. Bourbaki, Intégration, (Ruѕѕian) Moѕсow 1967. (1967) Zbl0156.06001
  2. I. Černý, Základy analyѕy v komplеxním oboгu, Praha 1967. (1967) 
  3. H. Federer, Thе Gauѕѕ-Grееn thеorеm, Tranѕ. Amеr. Math. Soс. 58 (1945), 44-76. (1945) MR0013786
  4. J. Král, Tеoriе potеnсiálu I, Prаhа 1965. (1965) 
  5. J. Král, Thе Frеdholm mеthod in potеntiаl thеory, Trаnѕ. Amеr. Mаth. Soс. 125 (1966), 511-547. (1966) 
  6. J. Král, Somе inеquаlitiеѕ сonсеrning thе сyсliс аnd гаdiаl vаriаtionѕ of а plаnе pаth-сurvе, Czесh. Mаth. Јournаl 14 (89), 1964, 271-280. (1964) 
  7. J. Král, On thе logаrithmiс potеntiаl of thе doublе diѕtribution, Czесh. Mаth. Јournаl 14(89), 1964, 306-321. (1964) 
  8. J. Král, Non-tаngеntiаl limitѕ of thе logаrithmiс potеntiаl, Czесh. Mаth. Јournаl 14 (89), 1964, 455- 482.1) (1964) 
  9. J. Král, Limitѕ of doublе lаyеr potеntiаlѕ, Aсс. Nаz. dеi Linсеi, Sеr. VIII, vol. XLVIII, fаѕс. 1, 1970, 39-42. (1970) 
  10. J. Král, On сyсliс аnd rаdiаl vаriаtionѕ of а plаnе pаth, Commеnt. Mаth. Univ. Cаrolinае 4 (1963), No 1, 3-9. (1963) 
  11. J. Lukeš, Lеbеѕguеův intеgrál, Čаѕ. pӗѕt. mаt., 91 (1966), 371 - 383. (1966) 
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Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Ivan Netuka, Double layer potential representation of the solution of the Dirichlet problem (Preliminary communication)
  2. Jiří Veselý, On the heat potential of the double distribution
  3. Eva Dontová, Reflection and the Dirichlet problem on doubly connected regions
  4. Eva Dontová, Reflection and the Neumann problem on doubly connected regions
  5. Miroslav Dont, Eva Dontová, Invariance of the Fredholm radius of an operator in potential theory
  6. Josef Král, Dagmar Medková, Angular limits of the integrals of the Cauchy type
  7. Josef Král, Dagmar Medková, Angular limits of double layer potentials
  8. Ivan Netuka, Double layer potentials and the Dirichlet problem
  9. Dagmar Medková, Solution of the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation

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