A new method for obtaining eigenvalues of variational inequalities based on bifurcation theory
Časopis pro pěstování matematiky (1979)
- Volume: 104, Issue: 4, page 389-411
- ISSN: 0528-2195
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topHow to cite
topKučera, Milan. "A new method for obtaining eigenvalues of variational inequalities based on bifurcation theory." Časopis pro pěstování matematiky 104.4 (1979): 389-411. <http://eudml.org/doc/21402>.
author = {Kučera, Milan},
journal = {Časopis pro pěstování matematiky},
keywords = {Bifurcation Theory; Eigenvalue Problem; Variational Inequality; Glob},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {389-411},
publisher = {Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences},
title = {A new method for obtaining eigenvalues of variational inequalities based on bifurcation theory},
url = {http://eudml.org/doc/21402},
volume = {104},
year = {1979},
AU - Kučera, Milan
TI - A new method for obtaining eigenvalues of variational inequalities based on bifurcation theory
JO - Časopis pro pěstování matematiky
PY - 1979
PB - Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
VL - 104
IS - 4
SP - 389
EP - 411
LA - eng
KW - Bifurcation Theory; Eigenvalue Problem; Variational Inequality; Glob
UR - http://eudml.org/doc/21402
ER -
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Citations in EuDML Documents
top- Milan Kučera, A new method for obtaining eigenvalues of variational inequalities. Branches of eigenvalues of the equation with the penalty in a special case
- Milan Kučera, Bifurcation points of variational inequalities
- Milan Kučera, A new method for obtaining eigenvalues of variational inequalities: operators with multiple eigenvalues
- Milan Kučera, Jiří Neustupa, Destabilizing effect of unilateral conditions in reaction-diffusion systems
- Erich Miersemann, On higher eigenvalues of variational inequalities
- Milan Kučera, A global continuation theorem for obtaining eigenvalues and bifurcation points
- Pavel Drábek, Milan Kučera, Marta Míková, Bifurcation points of reaction-diffusion systems with unilateral conditions
- Pavel Drábek, Milan Kučera, Eigenvalues of inequalities of reaction-diffusion type and destabilizing effect of unilateral conditions
- Jaroslav Resler, Stability of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of variational inequalities
- Pavol Quittner, Spectral analysis of variational inequalities
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