Algebraic properties of curvature operators in Lorentzian manifolds with large isometry groups.
Let (M = G/H;g)denote a four-dimensional pseudo-Riemannian generalized symmetric space and g = m + h the corresponding decomposition of the Lie algebra g of G. We completely determine the harmonicity properties of vector fields belonging to m. In some cases, all these vector fields are critical points for the energy functional restricted to vector fields. Vector fields defining harmonic maps are also classified, and the energy of these vector fields is explicitly calculated.
We consider paraKähler Lie algebras, that is, even-dimensional Lie algebras g equipped with a pair (J, g), where J is a paracomplex structure and g a pseudo-Riemannian metric, such that the fundamental 2-form Ω(X, Y) = g(X, JY) is symplectic. A complete classification is obtained in dimension four.
We give the complete classification of conformally flat pseudo-symmetric spaces of constant type.
We study conformally flat Lorentzian three-manifolds which are either semi-symmetric or pseudo-symmetric. Their complete classification is obtained under hypotheses of local homogeneity and curvature homogeneity. Moreover, examples which are not curvature homogeneous are described.
We obtain the complete classification of conformally flat semi-symmetric spaces.
We determine the admissible forms for the Ricci operator of three-dimensional locally homogeneous Lorentzian manifolds.
We completely classify Riemannian -natural metrics of constant sectional curvature on the unit tangent sphere bundle of a Riemannian manifold . Since the base manifold turns out to be necessarily two-dimensional, weaker curvature conditions are also investigated for a Riemannian -natural metric on the unit tangent sphere bundle of a Riemannian surface.
We produce new examples of harmonic maps, having as source manifold a space of constant curvature and as target manifold its tangent bundle , equipped with a suitable Riemannian -natural metric. In particular, we determine a family of Riemannian -natural metrics on , with respect to which all conformal gradient vector fields define harmonic maps from into .
This paper is motivated by the open problem whether a three-dimensional curvature homogeneous hypersurface of a real space form is locally homogeneous or not. We give some partial positive answers.
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