The Genus of Maximal Function Fields over Finite Fields. Henning Stichtenoth; Chaoping Xing — 1995 Manuscripta mathematica
A construction of low-discrepancy sequences using global function fields Chaoping Xing; Harald Niederreiter — 1995 Acta Arithmetica
Explicit global function fields over the binary field with many rational places Harald Niederreiter; Chaoping Xing — 1996 Acta Arithmetica
Cyclotomic function fields, Hilbert class fields, and global function fields with many rational places Harald Niederreiter; Chaoping Xing — 1997 Acta Arithmetica
Global function fields with many rational places over the ternary field Harald Niederreiter; Chaoping Xing — 1998 Acta Arithmetica
Low-discrepancy sequences obtained from algebraic function fields over finite fields Harald Niederreiter; Chaoping Xing — 1995 Acta Arithmetica
Drinfeld modules of rank 1 and algebraic curves with many rational points. II Harald Niederreiter; Chaoping Xing — 1997 Acta Arithmetica
Global function fields with many rational places over the quinary field. II Harald Niederreiter; Chaoping Xing — 1998 Acta Arithmetica