Homoclinic-type solutions for an almost periodic semilinear elliptic equation on
We consider a class of semilinear elliptic equations of the form where , is a periodic, positive function and is modeled on the classical two well Ginzburg-Landau potential . We look for solutions to (1) which verify the asymptotic conditions as uniformly with respect to . We show via variational methods that if is sufficiently small and is not constant, then (1) admits infinitely many of such solutions, distinct up to translations, which do not exhibit one...
We consider a class of semilinear elliptic equations of the form 15.7cm - where , is a periodic, positive function and is modeled on the classical two well Ginzburg-Landau potential . We look for solutions to ([see full textsee full text]) which verify the asymptotic conditions as uniformly with respect to . We show variational methods that if is sufficiently small and is not constant, then ([see full textsee full text]) admits infinitely many of such solutions, distinct up...
We show, by variational methods, that there exists a set open and dense in such that if then the problem , with subcritical (or more general nonlinearities), admits infinitely many solutions.
Si considera una classe di equazioni ellittiche semilineari su della forma con sottocritico (o con nonlinearità più generali) e funzione limitata. In questo articolo viene presentato un risultato di genericità sull'esistenza di infinite soluzioni, rispetto alla classe di coefficienti limitati su e non negativi all'infinito.
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