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Vasilescu-Martinelli formula for operators in Banach spaces

V. KordulaV. Müller — 1995

Studia Mathematica

We prove a formula for the Taylor functional calculus for functions analytic in a neighbourhood of the splitting spectrum of an n-tuple of commuting Banach space operators. This generalizes the formula of Vasilescu for Hilbert space operators and is closely related to a recent result of D. W. Albrecht.

A note on topologically nilpotent Banach algebras

P. DixonV. Müller — 1992

Studia Mathematica

A Banach algebra A is said to be topologically nilpotent if s u p x . . . . . . x n 1 / n : x i A , x i 1 ( 1 i n ) tends to 0 as n → ∞. We continue the study of topologically nilpotent algebras which was started in [2]

On the axiomatic theory of spectrum

V. KordulaV. Müller — 1996

Studia Mathematica

There are a number of spectra studied in the literature which do not fit into the axiomatic theory of Żelazko. This paper is an attempt to give an axiomatic theory for these spectra, which, apart from the usual types of spectra, like one-sided, approximate point or essential spectra, include also the local spectra, the Browder spectrum and various versions of the Apostol spectrum (studied under various names, e.g. regular, semiregular or essentially semiregular).

On the axiomatic theory of spectrum II

M. MbekhtaV. Müller — 1996

Studia Mathematica

We give a survey of results concerning various classes of bounded linear operators in a Banach space defined by means of kernels and ranges. We show that many of these classes define a spectrum that satisfies the spectral mapping property.

Stability of infinite ranges and kernels

K.-H. FörsterV. Müller — 2006

Studia Mathematica

Let A(·) be a regular function defined on a connected metric space G whose values are mutually commuting essentially Kato operators in a Banach space. Then the spaces R ( A ( z ) ) and N ( A ( z ) ) ¯ do not depend on z ∈ G. This generalizes results of B. Aupetit and J. Zemánek.

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