A global continuation theorem for obtaining eigenvalues and bifurcation points
Variational inequalities are studied, where is a closed convex cone in , , is a matrix, is a small perturbation, a real parameter. The assumptions guaranteeing a Hopf bifurcation at some for the corresponding equation are considered and it is proved that then, in some situations, also a bifurcation of periodic solutions to our inequality occurs at some . Bifurcating solutions are obtained by the limiting process along branches of solutions to penalty problems starting at constructed...
Reaction-diffusion systems are studied under the assumptions guaranteeing diffusion driven instability and arising of spatial patterns. A stabilizing influence of unilateral conditions given by quasivariational inequalities to this effect is described.
A bifurcation problem for variational inequalities is studied, where is a closed convex cone in , , is a matrix, is a small perturbation, a real parameter. The main goal of the paper is to simplify the assumptions of the abstract results concerning the existence of a bifurcation of periodic solutions developed in the previous paper and to give examples in more than three dimensional case.
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