Exact boundary controllability of 3-D Euler equation
We consider a solid in a perfect incompressible fluid in dimension two. The fluid is driven by the classical Euler equation, and the solid evolves under the influence of the pressure on its surface. We consider the limit of the system as the solid shrinks to a point. We obtain several different models in the limit, according to the asymptotics for the mass and the moment of inertia, and according to the geometrical situation that we consider. Among the models that we get in the limit, we find Marchioro...
Dans cet exposé, on s’intéresse aux lois de conservation scalaires en dimension d’espace, et aux propriétés de compacité associées au semi-groupe qu’elles engendrent.
We study the controllability problem for the one-dimensional Euler isentropic system, both in Eulerian and Lagrangian coordinates, by means of boundary controls, in the context of weak entropy solutions. We give a sufficient condition on the initial and final states under which the first one can be steered to the latter.
We prove the exact boundary controllability of the 3-D Euler equation of incompressible inviscid fluids on a regular connected bounded open set when the control operates on an open part of the boundary that meets any of the connected components of the boundary.
We study the convergence in the vanishing viscosity limit of the stationary incompressible Navier-Stokes equation towards the stationary Euler equation, in the presence of an arbitrary force term. This requires that the fluid is allowed to pass through some open part of the boundary.
We consider the motion of a rigid body immersed in an incompressible perfect fluid which occupies a three-dimensional bounded domain. For such a system the Cauchy problem is well-posed locally in time if the initial velocity of the fluid is in the Hölder space . In this paper we prove that the smoothness of the motion of the rigid body may be only limited by the smoothness of the boundaries (of the body and of the domain). In particular for analytic boundaries the motion of the rigid body is analytic...
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