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Classes de cohomologie positives dans les variétés kählériennes compactes

Olivier Debarre

Séminaire Bourbaki

Étant donnée une variété kählérienne compacte X , on étudie dans l’espace vectoriel réel de cohomologie de Dolbeault H 1 , 1 ( X , 𝐑 ) H 2 ( X , 𝐑 ) le cône convexe des classes de Kähler ainsi que celui, plus grand, des classes de courants positifs fermés de type ( 1 , 1 ) . Lorsque X est projective, les traces de ces cônes sur l’espace de Néron–Severi NS ( X ) 𝐑 H 1 , 1 ( X , 𝐑 ) engendré par les classes entières sont respectivement le cône des classes de diviseurs amples et l’adhérence de celui des classes de diviseurs effectifs.

On coverings of simple abelian varieties

Olivier Debarre — 2006

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

To any finite covering f : Y X of degree d between smooth complex projective manifolds, one associates a vector bundle E f of rank d - 1 on X whose total space contains Y . It is known that E f is ample when X is a projective space ([Lazarsfeld 1980]), a Grassmannian ([Manivel 1997]), or a Lagrangian Grassmannian ([Kim Maniel 1999]). We show an analogous result when X is a simple abelian variety and f does not factor through any nontrivial isogeny X ' X . This result is obtained by showing that E f is M -regular in the...

Non-deformability of entire curves in projective hypersurfaces of high degree

Olivier DebarreGianluca PacienzaMihai Păun — 2006

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this article, we prove that there does not exist a family of maximal rank of entire curves in the universal family of hypersurfaces of degree d 2 n in the complex projective space n . This can be seen as a weak version of the Kobayashi conjecture asserting that a general projective hypersurface of high degree is hyperbolic in the sense of Kobayashi.

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