Displaying similar documents to “A general theory of polyhedral sets and the corresponding T-complexes”

The categories of presheaves containing any category of algebras

V. Trnková, J. Reiterman


ContentsIntroduction.................................................................................................................................................. 5I. Preliminaries........................................................................................................................................... 6II. Main theorem.......................................................................................................................................... 8III. The...

n -angulated quotient categories induced by mutation pairs

Zengqiang Lin (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Geiss, Keller and Oppermann (2013) introduced the notion of n -angulated category, which is a “higher dimensional” analogue of triangulated category, and showed that certain ( n - 2 ) -cluster tilting subcategories of triangulated categories give rise to n -angulated categories. We define mutation pairs in n -angulated categories and prove that given such a mutation pair, the corresponding quotient category carries a natural n -angulated structure. This result generalizes a theorem of Iyama-Yoshino...

Two results of n -exangulated categories

Jian He, Jing He, Panyue Zhou (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


M. Herschend, Y. Liu, H. Nakaoka introduced n -exangulated categories, which are a simultaneous generalization of n -exact categories and ( n + 2 ) -angulated categories. This paper consists of two results on n -exangulated categories: (1) we give an equivalent characterization of axiom (EA2); (2) we provide a new way to construct a closed subfunctor of an n -exangulated category.

A note on model structures on arbitrary Frobenius categories

Zhi-wei Li (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We show that there is a model structure in the sense of Quillen on an arbitrary Frobenius category such that the homotopy category of this model structure is equivalent to the stable category ̲ as triangulated categories. This seems to be well-accepted by experts but we were unable to find a complete proof for it in the literature. When is a weakly idempotent complete (i.e., every split monomorphism is an inflation) Frobenius category, the model structure we constructed is an exact...

How to construct a Hovey triple from two cotorsion pairs

James Gillespie (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let be an abelian category, or more generally a weakly idempotent complete exact category, and suppose we have two complete hereditary cotorsion pairs ( , ˜ ) and ( ˜ , ) in satisfying ˜ and ˜ = ˜ . We show how to construct a (necessarily unique) abelian model structure on with (resp. ˜ ) as the class of cofibrant (resp. trivially cofibrant) objects, and (resp. ˜ ) as the class of fibrant (resp. trivially fibrant) objects.

On the structure of triangulated categories with finitely many indecomposables

Claire Amiot (2007)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We study the problem of classifying triangulated categories with finite-dimensional morphism spaces and finitely many indecomposables over an algebraically closed field k . We obtain a new proof of the following result due to Xiao and Zhu: the Auslander-Reiten quiver of such a category 𝒯 is of the form Δ / G where Δ is a disjoint union of simply-laced Dynkin diagrams and G a weakly admissible group of automorphisms of Δ . Then we prove that for ‘most’ groups G , the category 𝒯 is standard, ...

Yetter-Drinfeld-Long bimodules are modules

Daowei Lu, Shuan Hong Wang (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let H be a finite-dimensional bialgebra. In this paper, we prove that the category ℒℛ ( H ) of Yetter-Drinfeld-Long bimodules, introduced by F. Panaite, F. Van Oystaeyen (2008), is isomorphic to the Yetter-Drinfeld category H H * H H * 𝒴𝒟 over the tensor product bialgebra H H * as monoidal categories. Moreover if H is a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra with bijective antipode, the isomorphism is braided. Finally, as an application of this category isomorphism, we give two results.

Schur-Finite Motives and Trace Identities

Alessio Del Padrone, Carlo Mazza (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We provide a sufficient condition that ensures the nilpotency of endomorphisms universally of trace zero of Schur-finite objects in a category of homological type, i.e., a -linear -category with a tensor functor to super vector spaces. We present some applications in the category of motives, where our result generalizes previous results about finite-dimensional objects, in particular by Kimura. We also present some facts which suggest that this might be the best generalization possible...

Connected sequences of stable derived functors and their applications

Daniel Simson, Andrzej Tyc


CONTENTS1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 52. Category of complexes.................................................................................................................................................................................... 73. Left stable derived functors of covariant functors..........................................................................................................................................

Limits and colimits in certain categories of spaces of continuous functions

Marvin W. Grossman


CONTENTSIntroduction................................................................................................................................................................................5§ 1. Notation and preliminaries.............................................................................................................................................6§ 2. Epimorphisms and monomorphisms.........................................................................................................................7§...

Derived endo-discrete artin algebras

Raymundo Bautista (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let Λ be an artin algebra. We prove that for each sequence ( h i ) i of non-negative integers there are only a finite number of isomorphism classes of indecomposables X b ( Λ ) , the bounded derived category of Λ, with l e n g t h E ( X ) H i ( X ) = h i for all i ∈ ℤ and E(X) the endomorphism ring of X in b ( Λ ) if and only if b ( M o d Λ ) , the bounded derived category of the category M o d Λ of all left Λ-modules, has no generic objects in the sense of [4].

Generic representations of orthogonal groups: projective functors in the category q u a d

Christine Vespa (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We continue the study of the category of functors q u a d , associated to ₂-vector spaces equipped with a nondegenerate quadratic form, initiated in J. Pure Appl. Algebra 212 (2008) and Algebr. Geom. Topology 7 (2007). We define a filtration of the standard projective objects in q u a d ; this refines to give a decomposition into indecomposable factors of the first two standard projective objects in q u a d : P H and P H . As an application of these two decompositions, we give a complete description of the polynomial...

Bipartite coalgebras and a reduction functor for coradical square complete coalgebras

Justyna Kosakowska, Daniel Simson (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let C be a coalgebra over an arbitrary field K. We show that the study of the category C-Comod of left C-comodules reduces to the study of the category of (co)representations of a certain bicomodule, in case C is a bipartite coalgebra or a coradical square complete coalgebra, that is, C = C₁, the second term of the coradical filtration of C. If C = C₁, we associate with C a K-linear functor C : C - C o m o d H C - C o m o d that restricts to a representation equivalence C : C - c o m o d H C - c o m o d s p , where H C is a coradical square complete hereditary...

Specialization to the tangent cone and Whitney equisingularity

Arturo Giles Flores (2013)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let ( X , 0 ) be a reduced, equidimensional germ of an analytic singularity with reduced tangent cone ( C X , 0 , 0 ) . We prove that the absence of exceptional cones is a necessary and sufficient condition for the smooth part 𝔛 0 of the specialization to the tangent cone ϕ : 𝔛 to satisfy Whitney’s conditions along the parameter axis Y . This result is a first step in generalizing to higher dimensions Lê and Teissier’s result for hypersurfaces of 3 which establishes the Whitney equisingularity of X and its tangent...

Hall algebras of two equivalent extriangulated categories

Shiquan Ruan, Li Wang, Haicheng Zhang (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


For any positive integer n , let A n be a linearly oriented quiver of type A with n vertices. It is well-known that the quotient of an exact category by projective-injectives is an extriangulated category. We show that there exists an extriangulated equivalence between the extriangulated categories n + 1 and n , where n + 1 and n are the two extriangulated categories corresponding to the representation category of A n + 1 and the morphism category of projective representations of A n , respectively. As a...

A F -algebras and topology of mapping tori

Igor Nikolaev (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The paper studies applications of C * -algebras in geometric topology. Namely, a covariant functor from the category of mapping tori to a category of A F -algebras is constructed; the functor takes continuous maps between such manifolds to stable homomorphisms between the corresponding A F -algebras. We use this functor to develop an obstruction theory for the torus bundles of dimension 2 , 3 and 4 . In conclusion, we consider two numerical examples illustrating our main results.

On category 𝒪 for cyclotomic rational Cherednik algebras

Iain G. Gordon, Ivan Losev (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study equivalences for category 𝒪 p of the rational Cherednik algebras 𝐇 p of type G ( n ) = ( μ ) n 𝔖 n : a highest weight equivalence between 𝒪 p and 𝒪 σ ( p ) for σ 𝔖 and an action of 𝔖 on an explicit non-empty Zariski open set of parameters p ; a derived equivalence between 𝒪 p and 𝒪 p ' whenever p and p ' have integral difference; a highest weight equivalence between 𝒪 p and a parabolic category 𝒪 for the general linear group, under a non-rationality assumption on the parameter p . As a consequence, we confirm special cases...

Complexity of the method of averaging

Dalík, Josef


The general method of averaging for the superapproximation of an arbitrary partial derivative of a smooth function in a vertex a of a simplicial triangulation 𝒯 of a bounded polytopic domain in d for any d 2 is described and its complexity is analysed.

Definable orthogonality classes in accessible categories are small

Joan Bagaria, Carles Casacuberta, A. R. D. Mathias, Jiří Rosický (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We lower substantially the strength of the assumptions needed for the validity of certain results in category theory and homotopy theory which were known to follow from Vopěnka’s principle. We prove that the necessary large-cardinal hypotheses depend on the complexity of the formulas defining the given classes, in the sense of the Lévy hierarchy. For example, the statement that, for a class 𝒮 of morphisms in a locally presentable category 𝒞 of structures, the orthogonal class of objects...

The Roquette category of finite p -groups

Serge Bouc (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let p be a prime number. This paper introduces the Roquette category p of finite p -groups, which is an additive tensor category containing all finite p -groups among its objects. In p , every finite p -group P admits a canonical direct summand P , called the edge of P . Moreover P splits uniquely as a direct sum of edges of Roquette p -groups, and the tensor structure of p can be described in terms of such edges. The main motivation for considering this category is that the additive functors...

From binary cube triangulations to acute binary simplices

Brandts, Jan, van den Hooff, Jelle, Kuiper, Carlo, Steenkamp, Rik


Cottle’s proof that the minimal number of 0 / 1 -simplices needed to triangulate the unit 4 -cube equals 16 uses a modest amount of computer generated results. In this paper we remove the need for computer aid, using some lemmas that may be useful also in a broader context. One of the 0 / 1 -simplices involved, the so-called antipodal simplex, has acute dihedral angles. We continue with the study of such acute binary simplices and point out their possible relation to the Hadamard determinant problem. ...

Compatibility of the theta correspondence with the Whittaker functors

Vincent Lafforgue, Sergey Lysenko (2011)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We prove that the global geometric theta-lifting functor for the dual pair ( H , G ) is compatible with the Whittaker functors, where ( H , G ) is one of the pairs ( S 𝕆 2 n , 𝕊 p 2 n ) , ( 𝕊 p 2 n , S 𝕆 2 n + 2 ) or ( 𝔾 L n , 𝔾 L n + 1 ) . That is, the composition of the theta-lifting functor from H to G with the Whittaker functor for G is isomorphic to the Whittaker functor for H .

Taylor towers of symmetric and exterior powers

Brenda Johnson, Randy McCarthy (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We study the Taylor towers of the nth symmetric and exterior power functors, Spⁿ and Λⁿ. We obtain a description of the layers of the Taylor towers, D k S p and D k Λ , in terms of the first terms in the Taylor towers of S p t and Λ t for t < n. The homology of these first terms is related to the stable derived functors (in the sense of Dold and Puppe) of S p t and Λ t . We use stable derived functor calculations of Dold and Puppe to determine the lowest nontrivial homology groups for D k S p and D k Λ .