Displaying similar documents to “Optimal observability of the multi-dimensional wave and Schrödinger equations in quantum ergodic domains”

On the best observation of wave and Schrödinger equations in quantum ergodic billiards

Yannick Privat, Emmanuel Trélat, Enrique Zuazua (2012)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles


This paper is a proceedings version of the ongoing work [20], and has been the object of the talk of the second author at Journées EDP in 2012. In this work we investigate optimal observability properties for wave and Schrödinger equations considered in a bounded open set Ω n , with Dirichlet boundary conditions. The observation is done on a subset ω of Lebesgue measure | ω | = L | Ω | , where L ( 0 , 1 ) is fixed. We denote...

On the Klainerman–Machedon conjecture for the quantum BBGKY hierarchy with self-interaction

Xuwen Chen, Justin Holmer (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider the 3D quantum BBGKY hierarchy which corresponds to the N -particle Schrödinger equation. We assume the pair interaction is N 3 β 1 V ( B β ) . For the interaction parameter β ( 0 , 2 / 3 ) , we prove that, provided an energy bound holds for solutions to the BBKGY hierarchy, the N limit points satisfy the space-time bound conjectured by S. Klainerman and M. Machedon [45] in 2008. The energy bound was proven to hold for β ( 0 , 3 / 5 ) in [28]. This allows, in the case β ( 0 , 3 / 5 ) , for the application of the Klainerman–Machedon...

Optimal potentials for Schrödinger operators

Giuseppe Buttazzo, Augusto Gerolin, Berardo Ruffini, Bozhidar Velichkov (2014)

Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques


We consider the Schrödinger operator - Δ + V ( x ) on H 0 1 ( Ω ) , where Ω is a given domain of d . Our goal is to study some optimization problems where an optimal potential V 0 has to be determined in some suitable admissible classes and for some suitable optimization criteria, like the energy or the Dirichlet eigenvalues.

Effective Hamiltonians and Quantum States

Lawrence C. Evans (2000-2001)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles


We recount here some preliminary attempts to devise quantum analogues of certain aspects of Mather’s theory of minimizing measures [M1-2, M-F], augmented by the PDE theory from Fathi [F1,2] and from [E-G1]. This earlier work provides us with a Lipschitz continuous function u solving the eikonal equation aėȧnd a probability measure σ solving a related transport equation. We present some elementary formal identities relating certain quantum states ψ and u , σ . We show also how...

Norm convergence of some power series of operators in L p with applications in ergodic theory

Christophe Cuny (2010)

Studia Mathematica


Let X be a closed subspace of L p ( μ ) , where μ is an arbitrary measure and 1 < p < ∞. Let U be an invertible operator on X such that s u p n | | U | | < . Motivated by applications in ergodic theory, we obtain (optimal) conditions for the convergence of series like n 1 ( U f ) / n 1 - α , 0 ≤ α < 1, in terms of | | f + + U n - 1 f | | p , generalizing results for unitary (or normal) operators in L²(μ). The proofs make use of the spectral integration initiated by Berkson and Gillespie and, more particularly, of results from a paper by Berkson-Bourgain-Gillespie. ...

Quantum expanders and geometry of operator spaces

Gilles Pisier (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We show that there are well separated families of quantum expanders with asymptotically the maximal cardinality allowed by a known upper bound. This has applications to the “growth" of certain operator spaces: It implies asymptotically sharp estimates for the growth of the multiplicity of M N -spaces needed to represent (up to a constant C > 1 ) the M N -version of the n -dimensional operator Hilbert space O H n as a direct sum of copies of M N . We show that, when C is close to 1, this multiplicity grows...

Truncation and Duality Results for Hopf Image Algebras

Teodor Banica (2014)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


Associated to an Hadamard matrix H M N ( ) is the spectral measure μ ∈ [0,N] of the corresponding Hopf image algebra, A = C(G) with G S N . We study a certain family of discrete measures μ r [ 0 , N ] , coming from the idempotent state theory of G, which converge in Cesàro limit to μ. Our main result is a duality formula of type 0 N ( x / N ) p d μ r ( x ) = 0 N ( x / N ) r d ν p ( x ) , where μ r , ν r are the truncations of the spectral measures μ,ν associated to H , H t . We also prove, using these truncations μ r , ν r , that for any deformed Fourier matrix H = F M Q F N we have μ = ν.

Spectral radius of weighted composition operators in L p -spaces

Krzysztof Zajkowski (2010)

Studia Mathematica


We prove that for the spectral radius of a weighted composition operator a T α , acting in the space L p ( X , , μ ) , the following variational principle holds: l n r ( a T α ) = m a x ν M ¹ α , e X l n | a | d ν , where X is a Hausdorff compact space, α: X → X is a continuous mapping preserving a Borel measure μ with suppμ = X, M ¹ α , e is the set of all α-invariant ergodic probability measures on X, and a: X → ℝ is a continuous and -measurable function, where = n = 0 α - n ( ) . This considerably extends the range of validity of the above formula, which was previously known...

Ground states of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with potentials vanishing at infinity

Antonio Ambrosetti, Veronica Felli, Andrea Malchiodi (2005)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We deal with a class on nonlinear Schrödinger equations (NLS) with potentials V ( x ) | x | α , 0 < α < 2 , and K ( x ) | x | β , β > 0 . Working in weighted Sobolev spaces, the existence of ground states v ε belonging to W 1 , 2 ( N ) is proved under the assumption that σ < p < ( N + 2 ) / ( N 2 ) for some σ = σ N , α , β . Furthermore, it is shown that v ε are spikes concentrating at a minimum point of 𝒜 = V θ K 2 / ( p 1 ) , where θ = ( p + 1 ) / ( p 1 ) 1 / 2 .

Exponentiations over the quantum algebra U q ( s l 2 ( ) )

Sonia L’Innocente, Françoise Point, Carlo Toffalori (2013)

Confluentes Mathematici


We define and compare, by model-theoretical methods, some exponentiations over the quantum algebra U q ( s l 2 ( ) ) . We discuss two cases, according to whether the parameter q is a root of unity. We show that the universal enveloping algebra of s l 2 ( ) embeds in a non-principal ultraproduct of U q ( s l 2 ( ) ) , where q varies over the primitive roots of unity.

Transference of weak type bounds of multiparameter ergodic and geometric maximal operators

Paul Hagelstein, Alexander Stokolos (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let U , . . . , U d be a non-periodic collection of commuting measure preserving transformations on a probability space (Ω,Σ,μ). Also let Γ be a nonempty subset of d and the associated collection of rectangular parallelepipeds in d with sides parallel to the axes and dimensions of the form n × × n d with ( n , . . . , n d ) Γ . The associated multiparameter geometric and ergodic maximal operators M and M Γ are defined respectively on L ¹ ( d ) and L¹(Ω) by M g ( x ) = s u p x R 1 / | R | R | g ( y ) | d y and M Γ f ( ω ) = s u p ( n , . . . , n d ) Γ 1 / n n d j = 0 n - 1 j d = 0 n d - 1 | f ( U j U d j d ω ) | . Given a Young function Φ, it is shown that M satisfies the weak type estimate ...

The basic construction from the conditional expectation on the quantum double of a finite group

Qiaoling Xin, Lining Jiang, Zhenhua Ma (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let G be a finite group and H a subgroup. Denote by D ( G ; H ) (or D ( G ) ) the crossed product of C ( G ) and H (or G ) with respect to the adjoint action of the latter on the former. Consider the algebra D ( G ) , e generated by D ( G ) and e , where we regard E as an idempotent operator e on D ( G ) for a certain conditional expectation E of D ( G ) onto D ( G ; H ) . Let us call D ( G ) , e the basic construction from the conditional expectation E : D ( G ) D ( G ; H ) . The paper constructs a crossed product algebra C ( G / H × G ) G , and proves that there is an algebra isomorphism between...

Finite-energy sign-changing solutions with dihedral symmetry for the stationary nonlinear Schrödinger equation

Monica Musso, Frank Pacard, Juncheng Wei (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We address the problem of the existence of finite energy solitary waves for nonlinear Klein-Gordon or Schrödinger type equations Δ u - u + f ( u ) = 0 in N , u H 1 ( N ) , where N 2 . Under natural conditions on the nonlinearity f , we prove the existence of 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑦𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 in any dimension N 2 . Our result complements earlier works of Bartsch and Willem ( N = 4 𝚘𝚛 N 6 ) and Lorca-Ubilla ( N = 5 ) where solutions invariant under the action of O ( 2 ) × O ( N - 2 ) are constructed. In contrast, the solutions we construct are invariant under the action of D k × O ( N - 2 ) where D k O ( 2 ) denotes the dihedral...

Right coideal subalgebras of U q + ( 𝔰𝔬 2 n + 1 )

V. K. Kharchenko (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We give a complete classification of right coideal subalgebras that contain all grouplike elements for the quantum group U q + ( 𝔰𝔬 2 n + 1 ) provided that q is not a root of 1. If q has a finite multiplicative order t > 4 ; this classification remains valid for homogeneous right coideal subalgebras of the Frobenius–Lusztig kernel u q + ( 𝔰𝔬 2 n + 1 ) . In particular, the total number of right coideal subalgebras that contain the coradical equals ( 2 n ) ! ! ; the order of the Weyl group defined by the root system of type B n .

Matrix coefficients, counting and primes for orbits of geometrically finite groups

Amir Mohammadi, Hee Oh (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let G : = SO ( n , 1 ) and Γ ( n - 1 ) / 2 for n = 2 , 3 and when δ > n - 2 for n 4 , we obtain an effective archimedean counting result for a discrete orbit of Γ in a homogeneous space H G where H is the trivial group, a symmetric subgroup or a horospherical subgroup. More precisely, we show that for any effectively well-rounded family { T H G } of compact subsets, there exists η > 0 such that # [ e ] Γ T = ( T ) + O ( ( T ) 1 - η ) for an explicit measure on H G which depends on Γ . We also apply the affine sieve and describe the distribution of almost primes on orbits of Γ in arithmetic...

Modeling of the resonance of an acoustic wave in a torus

Jérôme Adou, Adama Coulibaly, Narcisse Dakouri (2013)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal


A pneumatic tyre in rotating motion with a constant angular velocity Ω is assimilated to a torus whose generating circle has a radius R . The contact of the tyre with the ground is schematized as an ellipse with semi-major axis a . When ( Ω R / C 0 ) 1 and ( a / R ) 1 (where C 0 is the velocity of the sound), we show that at the rapid time scale R / C 0 , the air motion within a torus periodically excited on its surface generates an acoustic wave h . A study of this acoustic wave is conducted and shows that the mode associated...

Spectral radius of operators associated with dynamical systems in the spaces C(X)

Krzysztof Zajkowski (2005)

Banach Center Publications


We consider operators acting in the space C(X) (X is a compact topological space) of the form A u ( x ) = ( k = 1 N e φ k T α k ) u ( x ) = k = 1 N e φ k ( x ) u ( α k ( x ) ) , u ∈ C(X), where φ k C ( X ) and α k : X X are given continuous mappings (1 ≤ k ≤ N). A new formula on the logarithm of the spectral radius r(A) is obtained. The logarithm of r(A) is defined as a nonlinear functional λ depending on the vector of functions φ = ( φ k ) k = 1 N . We prove that l n ( r ( A ) ) = λ ( φ ) = m a x ν M e s k = 1 N X φ k d ν k - λ * ( ν ) , where Mes is the set of all probability vectors of measures ν = ( ν k ) k = 1 N on X × 1,..., N and λ* is some convex lower-semicontinuous functional on...

Existence and nonexistence results for a class of linear and semilinear parabolic equations related to some Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities

Boumediene Abdellaoui, Eduardo Colorado, Ireneo Peral (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


In this work we study the problem u t div ( | x | 2 γ u ) = λ u α | x | 2 ( γ + 1 ) + f in Ω × ( 0 , T ) , u 0 in Ω × ( 0 , T ) , u = 0 on Ω × ( 0 , T ) , u ( x , 0 ) = u 0 ( x ) in Ω , Ω N ( N 2 ) is a bounded regular domain such that 0 Ω , λ > 0 , α > 0 , - < γ < ( N 2 ) / 2 , f and u 0 are positive functions such that f L 1 ( Ω × ( 0 , T ) ) and u 0 L 1 ( Ω ) . The main points under analysis are: (i) spectral instantaneous and complete blow-up related to the Harnack inequality in the case α = 1 , 1 + γ > 0 ; (ii) the nonexistence of solutions if α > 1 , 1 + γ > 0 ; (iii) a uniqueness result for weak solutions (in the distribution sense); (iv) further results on existence of weak solutions...

Strichartz and smoothing estimates for Schrödinger operators with large magnetic potentials in 3

M. Burak Erdoğan, Michael Goldberg, Wilhelm Schlag (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We present a novel approach for bounding the resolvent of H = - Δ + i ( A · + · A ) + V = : - Δ + L 1 for large energies. It is shown here that there exist a large integer m and a large number λ 0 so that relative to the usual weighted L 2 -norm, ( L ( - Δ + ( λ + i 0 ) ) - 1 ) m < 1 2 2 for all λ > λ 0 . This requires suitable decay and smoothness conditions on A , V . The estimate (2) is trivial when A = 0 , but difficult for large A since the gradient term exactly cancels the natural decay of the free resolvent. To obtain (2), we introduce a conical decomposition of the resolvent and...

H p spaces associated with Schrödinger operators with potentials from reverse Hölder classes

Jacek Dziubański, Jacek Zienkiewicz (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let A = -Δ + V be a Schrödinger operator on d , d ≥ 3, where V is a nonnegative potential satisfying the reverse Hölder inequality with an exponent q > d/2. We say that f is an element of H A p if the maximal function s u p t > 0 | T t f ( x ) | belongs to L p ( d ) , where T t t > 0 is the semigroup generated by -A. It is proved that for d/(d+1) < p ≤ 1 the space H A p admits a special atomic decomposition.