Displaying similar documents to “Legendrian and transverse twist knots”

Elementary moves for higher dimensional knots

Dennis Roseman (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


For smooth knottings of compact (not necessarily orientable) n-dimensional manifolds in n + 2 (or n + 2 ), we generalize the notion of knot moves to higher dimensions. This reproves and generalizes the Reidemeister moves of classical knot theory. We show that for any dimension there is a finite set of elementary isotopies, called moves, so that any isotopy is equivalent to a finite sequence of these moves.

On malnormal peripheral subgroups of the fundamental group of a 3 -manifold

Pierre de la Harpe, Claude Weber (2014)

Confluentes Mathematici


Let K be a non-trivial knot in the 3 -sphere, E K its exterior, G K = π 1 ( E K ) its group, and P K = π 1 ( E K ) G K its peripheral subgroup. We show that P K is malnormal in G K , namely that g P K g - 1 P K = { e } for any g G K with g P K , unless K is in one of the following three classes: torus knots, cable knots, and composite knots; these are exactly the classes for which there exist annuli in E K attached to T K which are not boundary parallel (Theorem 1 and Corollary 2). More generally, we characterise malnormal peripheral subgroups in the fundamental...

Unconditionality of general Franklin systems in L p [ 0 , 1 ] , 1 < p < ∞

Gegham G. Gevorkyan, Anna Kamont (2004)

Studia Mathematica


By a general Franklin system corresponding to a dense sequence = (tₙ, n ≥ 0) of points in [0,1] we mean a sequence of orthonormal piecewise linear functions with knots , that is, the nth function of the system has knots t₀, ..., tₙ. The main result of this paper is that each general Franklin system is an unconditional basis in L p [ 0 , 1 ] , 1 < p < ∞.

The Lebesgue constant for the periodic Franklin system

Markus Passenbrunner (2011)

Studia Mathematica


We identify the torus with the unit interval [0,1) and let n,ν ∈ ℕ with 0 ≤ ν ≤ n-1 and N:= n+ν. Then we define the (partially equally spaced) knots t j = ⎧ j/(2n) for j = 0,…,2ν, ⎨ ⎩ (j-ν)/n for for j = 2ν+1,…,N-1. Furthermore, given n,ν we let V n , ν be the space of piecewise linear continuous functions on the torus with knots t j : 0 j N - 1 . Finally, let P n , ν be the orthogonal projection operator from L²([0,1)) onto V n , ν . The main result is l i m n , ν = 1 | | P n , ν : L L | | = s u p n , 0 ν n | | P n , ν : L L | | = 2 + ( 33 - 18 3 ) / 13 . This shows in particular that the Lebesgue constant of the classical...

The Lebesgue constants for the Franklin orthogonal system

Z. Ciesielski, A. Kamont (2004)

Studia Mathematica


To each set of knots t i = i / 2 n for i = 0,...,2ν and t i = ( i - ν ) / n for i = 2ν + 1,..., n + ν, with 1 ≤ ν ≤ n, there corresponds the space ν , n of all piecewise linear and continuous functions on I = [0,1] with knots t i and the orthogonal projection P ν , n of L²(I) onto ν , n . The main result is l i m ( n - ν ) ν | | P ν , n | | = s u p ν , n : 1 ν n | | P ν , n | | = 2 + ( 2 - 3 ) ² . This shows that the Lebesgue constant for the Franklin orthogonal system is 2 + (2-√3)².

On the complexity of braids

Ivan Dynnikov, Bert Wiest (2007)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We define a measure of “complexity” of a braid which is natural with respect to both an algebraic and a geometric point of view. Algebraically, we modify the standard notion of the length of a braid by introducing generators i j , which are Garside-like half-twists involving strings i through j , and by counting powered generators Δ i j k as log ( | k | + 1 ) instead of simply | k | . The geometrical complexity is some natural measure of the amount of distortion of the n times punctured disk caused by a homeomorphism....

Brunnian local moves of knots and Vassiliev invariants

Akira Yasuhara (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


K. Habiro gave a neccesary and sufficient condition for knots to have the same Vassiliev invariants in terms of C k -moves. In this paper we give another geometric condition in terms of Brunnian local moves. The proof is simple and self-contained.

Real singular Del Pezzo surfaces and 3-folds fibred by rational curves, II

Fabrizio Catanese, Frédéric Mangolte (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let W X be a real smooth projective 3-fold fibred by rational curves such that W ( ) is orientable. J. Kollár proved that a connected component N of W ( ) is essentially either Seifert fibred or a connected sum of lens spaces. Answering three questions of Kollár, we give sharp estimates on the number and the multiplicities of the Seifert fibres (resp. the number and the torsions of the lens spaces) when X is a geometrically rational surface. When N is Seifert fibred over a base orbifold F , our...

On the topology of polynomials with bounded integer coefficients

De-Jun Feng (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


For a real number q > 1 and a positive integer m , let Y m ( q ) : = i = 0 n ϵ i q i : ϵ i 0 , ± 1 , ... , ± m , n = 0 , 1 , ... . In this paper, we show that Y m ( q ) is dense in if and only if q < m + 1 and q is not a Pisot number. This completes several previous results and answers an open question raised by Erdös, Joó and Komornik [8].

On square functions associated to sectorial operators

Christian Le Merdy (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We give new results on square functions x F = 0 F ( t A ) x 2 d t t 1 / 2 p associated to a sectorial operator A on L p for 1 &lt; p &lt; . Under the assumption that A is actually R -sectorial, we prove equivalences of the form K - 1 x G x F K x G for suitable functions F , G . We also show that A has a bounded H functional calculus with respect to . F . Then we apply our results to the study of conditions under which we have an estimate ( 0 | C e - t A ( x ) | 2 d t ) 1 / 2 q M x p , when - A generates a bounded semigroup e - t A on L p and C : D ( A ) L q is a linear mapping.

Geometric rigidity of × m invariant measures

Michael Hochman (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let μ be a probability measure on [ 0 , 1 ] which is invariant and ergodic for T a ( x ) = a x 𝚖𝚘𝚍 1 , and 0 < 𝚍𝚒𝚖 μ < 1 . Let f be a local diffeomorphism on some open set. We show that if E and ( f μ ) E μ E , then f ' ( x ) ± a r : r at μ -a.e. point x f - 1 E . In particular, if g is a piecewise-analytic map preserving μ then there is an open g -invariant set U containing supp μ such that g U is piecewise-linear with slopes which are rational powers of a . In a similar vein, for μ as above, if b is another integer and a , b are not powers of a common integer, and if ν is...

Invariants for the modular cyclic group of prime order via classical invariant theory

David L. Wehlau (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let 𝔽 be any field of characteristic p . It is well-known that there are exactly p inequivalent indecomposable representations V 1 , V 2 , ... , V p of C p defined over 𝔽 . Thus if V is any finite dimensional C p -representation there are non-negative integers 0 n 1 , n 2 , ... , n k p - 1 such that V i = 1 k V n i + 1 . It is also well-known there is a unique (up to equivalence) d + 1 dimensional irreducible complex representation of S L 2 ( ) given by its action on the space R d of d forms. Here we prove a conjecture, made by R. J. Shank, which reduces the computation...

Neutral set differential equations

Umber Abbas, Vasile Lupulescu, Donald O&amp;#039;Regan, Awais Younus (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The aim of this paper is to establish an existence and uniqueness result for a class of the set functional differential equations of neutral type D H X ( t ) = F ( t , X t , D H X t ) , X | [ - r , 0 ] = Ψ , where F : [ 0 , b ] × 𝒞 0 × 𝔏 0 1 K c ( E ) is a given function, K c ( E ) is the family of all nonempty compact and convex subsets of a separable Banach space E , 𝒞 0 denotes the space of all continuous set-valued functions X from [ - r , 0 ] into K c ( E ) , 𝔏 0 1 is the space of all integrally bounded set-valued functions X : [ - r , 0 ] K c ( E ) , Ψ 𝒞 0 and D H is the Hukuhara derivative. The continuous dependence of solutions on initial...

A Hardy type inequality for W 0 m , 1 ( Ω ) functions

Hernán Castro, Juan Dávila, Hui Wang (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider functions u W 0 m , 1 ( Ω ) , where Ω N is a smooth bounded domain, and m 2 is an integer. For all j 0 , 1 k m - 1 , such that 1 j + k m , we prove that i u ( x ) d ( x ) m - j - k W 0 k , 1 ( Ω ) with k ( i u ( x ) d ( x ) m - j - k ) L 1 ( Ω ) C u W m , 1 ( Ω ) , where d is a smooth positive function which coincides with dist ( x , Ω ) near Ω , and l denotes any partial differential operator of order l .

Intrinsic linking and knotting are arbitrarily complex

Erica Flapan, Blake Mellor, Ramin Naimi (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We show that, given any n and α, any embedding of any sufficiently large complete graph in ℝ³ contains an oriented link with components Q₁, ..., Qₙ such that for every i ≠ j, | l k ( Q i , Q j ) | α and | a ( Q i ) | α , where a ( Q i ) denotes the second coefficient of the Conway polynomial of Q i .

Commutators of Marcinkiewicz integrals on Herz spaces with variable exponent

Hongbin Wang (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let Ω L s ( S n - 1 ) for s 1 be a homogeneous function of degree zero and b a BMO function. The commutator generated by the Marcinkiewicz integral μ Ω and b is defined by [ b , μ Ω ] ( f ) ( x ) = ( 0 | x - y | t Ω ( x - y ) | x - y | n - 1 [ b ( x ) - b ( y ) ] f ( y ) d y | 2 d t t 3 1 / 2 . In this paper, the author proves the ( L p ( · ) ( n ) , L p ( · ) ( n ) ) -boundedness of the Marcinkiewicz integral operator μ Ω and its commutator [ b , μ Ω ] when p ( · ) satisfies some conditions. Moreover, the author obtains the corresponding result about μ Ω and [ b , μ Ω ] on Herz spaces with variable exponent.

Every braid admits a short sigma-definite expression

Jean Fromentin (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


A result by Dehornoy (1992) says that every nontrivial braid admits a σ -definite expression, defined as a braid word in which the generator σ i with maximal index i appears with exponents that are all positive, or all negative. This is the ground result for ordering braids. In this paper, we enhance this result and prove that every braid admits a σ -definite word expression that, in addition, is quasi-geodesic. This establishes a longstanding conjecture. Our proof uses the dual braid monoid...

Capacitary estimates of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with absorbtion

Moshe Marcus, Laurent Véron (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let Ω be a bounded domain of class C 2 in N and let K be a compact subset of Ω . Assume that q ( N + 1 ) / ( N 1 ) and denote by U K the maximal solution of Δ u + u q = 0 in Ω which vanishes on Ω K . We obtain sharp upper and lower estimates for U K in terms of the Bessel capacity C 2 / q , q ' and prove that U K is σ -moderate. In addition we describe the precise asymptotic behavior of U K at points σ K , which depends on the “density” of K at σ , measured in terms of the capacity C 2 / q , q ' .

𝒞 k -regularity for the ¯ -equation with a support condition

Shaban Khidr, Osama Abdelkader (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let D be a 𝒞 d q -convex intersection, d 2 , 0 q n - 1 , in a complex manifold X of complex dimension n , n 2 , and let E be a holomorphic vector bundle of rank N over X . In this paper, 𝒞 k -estimates, k = 2 , 3 , , , for solutions to the ¯ -equation with small loss of smoothness are obtained for E -valued ( 0 , s ) -forms on D when n - q s n . In addition, we solve the ¯ -equation with a support condition in 𝒞 k -spaces. More precisely, we prove that for a ¯ -closed form f in 𝒞 0 , q k ( X D , E ) , 1 q n - 2 , n 3 , with compact support and for ε with 0 < ε < 1 there...

On lifts of projectable-projectable classical linear connections to the cotangent bundle

Anna Bednarska (2013)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


We describe all 2 m 1 , m 2 , n 1 , n 2 -natural operators D : Q p r o j - p r o j τ Q T * transforming projectable-projectable classical torsion-free linear connections on fibred-fibred manifolds Y into classical linear connections D ( ) on cotangent bundles T * Y of Y . We show that this problem can be reduced to finding 2 m 1 , m 2 , n 1 , n 2 -natural operators D : Q p r o j - p r o j τ ( T * , p T * q T ) for p = 2 , q = 1 and p = 3 , q = 0 .

On surfaces with p 𝑔 = q = 1 and non-ruled bicanonical involution

Carlos Rito (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze


This paper classifies surfaces S of general type with p g = q = 1 having an involution i such that S / i has non-negative Kodaira dimension and that the bicanonical map of S factors through the double cover induced by i . It is shown that S / i is regular and either: a) the Albanese fibration of S is of genus 2 or b) S has no genus 2 fibration and S / i is birational to a K 3 surface. For case a) a list of possibilities and examples are given. An example for case b) with K 2 = 6 is also constructed.