Displaying similar documents to “Control for Schrödinger operators on 2-tori: rough potentials”

H p spaces associated with Schrödinger operators with potentials from reverse Hölder classes

Jacek Dziubański, Jacek Zienkiewicz (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let A = -Δ + V be a Schrödinger operator on d , d ≥ 3, where V is a nonnegative potential satisfying the reverse Hölder inequality with an exponent q > d/2. We say that f is an element of H A p if the maximal function s u p t > 0 | T t f ( x ) | belongs to L p ( d ) , where T t t > 0 is the semigroup generated by -A. It is proved that for d/(d+1) < p ≤ 1 the space H A p admits a special atomic decomposition.

Finite-energy sign-changing solutions with dihedral symmetry for the stationary nonlinear Schrödinger equation

Monica Musso, Frank Pacard, Juncheng Wei (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We address the problem of the existence of finite energy solitary waves for nonlinear Klein-Gordon or Schrödinger type equations Δ u - u + f ( u ) = 0 in N , u H 1 ( N ) , where N 2 . Under natural conditions on the nonlinearity f , we prove the existence of 𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑦𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 in any dimension N 2 . Our result complements earlier works of Bartsch and Willem ( N = 4 𝚘𝚛 N 6 ) and Lorca-Ubilla ( N = 5 ) where solutions invariant under the action of O ( 2 ) × O ( N - 2 ) are constructed. In contrast, the solutions we construct are invariant under the action of D k × O ( N - 2 ) where D k O ( 2 ) denotes the dihedral...

On the topology of polynomials with bounded integer coefficients

De-Jun Feng (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


For a real number q > 1 and a positive integer m , let Y m ( q ) : = i = 0 n ϵ i q i : ϵ i 0 , ± 1 , ... , ± m , n = 0 , 1 , ... . In this paper, we show that Y m ( q ) is dense in if and only if q < m + 1 and q is not a Pisot number. This completes several previous results and answers an open question raised by Erdös, Joó and Komornik [8].

On square functions associated to sectorial operators

Christian Le Merdy (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We give new results on square functions x F = 0 F ( t A ) x 2 d t t 1 / 2 p associated to a sectorial operator A on L p for 1 &lt; p &lt; . Under the assumption that A is actually R -sectorial, we prove equivalences of the form K - 1 x G x F K x G for suitable functions F , G . We also show that A has a bounded H functional calculus with respect to . F . Then we apply our results to the study of conditions under which we have an estimate ( 0 | C e - t A ( x ) | 2 d t ) 1 / 2 q M x p , when - A generates a bounded semigroup e - t A on L p and C : D ( A ) L q is a linear mapping.

Geometric rigidity of × m invariant measures

Michael Hochman (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let μ be a probability measure on [ 0 , 1 ] which is invariant and ergodic for T a ( x ) = a x 𝚖𝚘𝚍 1 , and 0 < 𝚍𝚒𝚖 μ < 1 . Let f be a local diffeomorphism on some open set. We show that if E and ( f μ ) E μ E , then f ' ( x ) ± a r : r at μ -a.e. point x f - 1 E . In particular, if g is a piecewise-analytic map preserving μ then there is an open g -invariant set U containing supp μ such that g U is piecewise-linear with slopes which are rational powers of a . In a similar vein, for μ as above, if b is another integer and a , b are not powers of a common integer, and if ν is...

Strichartz and smoothing estimates for Schrödinger operators with large magnetic potentials in 3

M. Burak Erdoğan, Michael Goldberg, Wilhelm Schlag (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We present a novel approach for bounding the resolvent of H = - Δ + i ( A · + · A ) + V = : - Δ + L 1 for large energies. It is shown here that there exist a large integer m and a large number λ 0 so that relative to the usual weighted L 2 -norm, ( L ( - Δ + ( λ + i 0 ) ) - 1 ) m < 1 2 2 for all λ > λ 0 . This requires suitable decay and smoothness conditions on A , V . The estimate (2) is trivial when A = 0 , but difficult for large A since the gradient term exactly cancels the natural decay of the free resolvent. To obtain (2), we introduce a conical decomposition of the resolvent and...

Some estimates for commutators of Riesz transform associated with Schrödinger type operators

Yu Liu, Jing Zhang, Jie-Lai Sheng, Li-Juan Wang (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let 1 = - Δ + V be a Schrödinger operator and let 2 = ( - Δ ) 2 + V 2 be a Schrödinger type operator on n ( n 5 ) , where V 0 is a nonnegative potential belonging to certain reverse Hölder class B s for s n / 2 . The Hardy type space H 2 1 is defined in terms of the maximal function with respect to the semigroup { e - t 2 } and it is identical to the Hardy space H 1 1 established by Dziubański and Zienkiewicz. In this article, we prove the L p -boundedness of the commutator b = b f - ( b f ) generated by the Riesz transform = 2 2 - 1 / 2 , where b BMO θ ( ρ ) , which is larger...

A Hardy type inequality for W 0 m , 1 ( Ω ) functions

Hernán Castro, Juan Dávila, Hui Wang (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider functions u W 0 m , 1 ( Ω ) , where Ω N is a smooth bounded domain, and m 2 is an integer. For all j 0 , 1 k m - 1 , such that 1 j + k m , we prove that i u ( x ) d ( x ) m - j - k W 0 k , 1 ( Ω ) with k ( i u ( x ) d ( x ) m - j - k ) L 1 ( Ω ) C u W m , 1 ( Ω ) , where d is a smooth positive function which coincides with dist ( x , Ω ) near Ω , and l denotes any partial differential operator of order l .

Weakly nonlinear stochastic CGL equations

Sergei B. Kuksin (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


We consider the linear Schrödinger equation under periodic boundary conditions, driven by a random force and damped by a quasilinear damping: d d t u + i - Δ + V ( x ) u = ν Δ u - γ R | u | 2 p u - i γ I | u | 2 q u + ν η ( t , x ) . ( * ) The force η is white in time and smooth in x ; the potential V ( x ) is typical. We are concerned with the limiting, as ν 0 , behaviour of solutions on long time-intervals 0 t ν - 1 T , and with behaviour of these solutions under the double limit t and ν 0 . We show that these two limiting behaviours may be described in terms of solutions for the( * ) which is a well...

On Schrödinger maps from T 1 to  S 2

Robert L. Jerrard, Didier Smets (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


We prove an estimate for the difference of two solutions of the Schrödinger map equation for maps from T 1 to  S 2 . This estimate yields some continuity properties of the flow map for the topology of  L 2 ( T 1 , S 2 ) , provided one takes its quotient by the continuous group action of  T 1 given by translations. We also prove that without taking this quotient, for any t &gt; 0 the flow map at time t is discontinuous as a map from 𝒞 ( T 1 , S 2 ) , equipped with the weak topology of  H 1 / 2 , to the space of distributions ( 𝒞 ( T 1 , 3 ) ) * . The argument relies...

Semi-classical standing waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equations at structurally stable critical points of the potential

Jaeyoung Byeon, Kazunaga Tanaka (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider a singularly perturbed elliptic equation ϵ 2 Δ u - V ( x ) u + f ( u ) = 0 , u ( x ) > 0 on N , 𝚕𝚒𝚖 x u ( x ) = 0 , where V ( x ) > 0 for any x N . The singularly perturbed problem has corresponding limiting problems Δ U - c U + f ( U ) = 0 , U ( x ) > 0 on N , 𝚕𝚒𝚖 x U ( x ) = 0 , c > 0 . Berestycki-Lions found almost necessary and sufficient conditions on nonlinearity f for existence of a solution of the limiting problem. There have been endeavors to construct solutions of the singularly perturbed problem concentrating around structurally stable critical points of potential V under possibly general conditions...

Neutral set differential equations

Umber Abbas, Vasile Lupulescu, Donald O&amp;#039;Regan, Awais Younus (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The aim of this paper is to establish an existence and uniqueness result for a class of the set functional differential equations of neutral type D H X ( t ) = F ( t , X t , D H X t ) , X | [ - r , 0 ] = Ψ , where F : [ 0 , b ] × 𝒞 0 × 𝔏 0 1 K c ( E ) is a given function, K c ( E ) is the family of all nonempty compact and convex subsets of a separable Banach space E , 𝒞 0 denotes the space of all continuous set-valued functions X from [ - r , 0 ] into K c ( E ) , 𝔏 0 1 is the space of all integrally bounded set-valued functions X : [ - r , 0 ] K c ( E ) , Ψ 𝒞 0 and D H is the Hukuhara derivative. The continuous dependence of solutions on initial...

Commutators of Marcinkiewicz integrals on Herz spaces with variable exponent

Hongbin Wang (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let Ω L s ( S n - 1 ) for s 1 be a homogeneous function of degree zero and b a BMO function. The commutator generated by the Marcinkiewicz integral μ Ω and b is defined by [ b , μ Ω ] ( f ) ( x ) = ( 0 | x - y | t Ω ( x - y ) | x - y | n - 1 [ b ( x ) - b ( y ) ] f ( y ) d y | 2 d t t 3 1 / 2 . In this paper, the author proves the ( L p ( · ) ( n ) , L p ( · ) ( n ) ) -boundedness of the Marcinkiewicz integral operator μ Ω and its commutator [ b , μ Ω ] when p ( · ) satisfies some conditions. Moreover, the author obtains the corresponding result about μ Ω and [ b , μ Ω ] on Herz spaces with variable exponent.

A weighted inequality for the Hardy operator involving suprema

Pavla Hofmanová (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let u be a weight on ( 0 , ) . Assume that u is continuous on ( 0 , ) . Let the operator S u be given at measurable non-negative function ϕ on ( 0 , ) by S u ϕ ( t ) = sup 0 < τ t u ( τ ) ϕ ( τ ) . We characterize weights v , w on ( 0 , ) for which there exists a positive constant C such that the inequality 0 [ S u ϕ ( t ) ] q w ( t ) d t 1 q 0 [ ϕ ( t ) ] p v ( t ) d t 1 p holds for every 0 < p , q < . Such inequalities have been used in the study of optimal Sobolev embeddings and boundedness of certain operators on classical Lorenz spaces.