Displaying similar documents to “Representation functions for binary linear forms”

On a system of equations with primes

Paolo Leonetti, Salvatore Tringali (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Given an integer , let be pairwise coprime integers , a family of nonempty proper subsets of with “enough” elements, and a function . Does there exist at least one prime such that divides for some , but it does not divide ? We answer this question in the positive when the are prime powers and and are subjected to certain restrictions. We use the result to prove that, if and is a set of three or more primes that contains all prime divisors of any...

Ramsey numbers for trees II

Zhi-Hong Sun (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let be the Ramsey number of the two graphs and . For let be the double star given by , and . We determine under certain conditions. For let , and , where , , and . We also obtain explicit formulas for , , , and , where , is the path on vertices and is the unique tree with vertices and maximal degree .

A new characterization of symmetric group by NSE

Azam Babai, Zeinab Akhlaghi (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let be a group and be the set of element orders of . Let and be the number of elements of order in . Let nse. Assume is a prime number and let be a group such that nse nse, where is the symmetric group of degree . In this paper we prove that , if divides the order of and does not divide it. To get the conclusion we make use of some well-known results on the prime graphs of finite simple groups and their components.

Differences of two semiconvex functions on the real line

Václav Kryštof, Luděk Zajíček (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


It is proved that real functions on which can be represented as the difference of two semiconvex functions with a general modulus (or of two lower -functions, or of two strongly paraconvex functions) coincide with semismooth functions on (i.e. those locally Lipschitz functions on for which and for each ). Further, for each modulus , we characterize the class of functions on which can be written as , where and are semiconvex with modulus (for some ) using a new...

Admissible spaces for a first order differential equation with delayed argument

Nina A. Chernyavskaya, Lela S. Dorel, Leonid A. Shuster (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We consider the equation where and () are positive continuous functions for all and . By a solution of the equation we mean any function , continuously differentiable everywhere in , which satisfies the equation for all . We show that under certain additional conditions on the functions and , the above equation has a unique solution , satisfying the inequality where the constant does not depend on the choice of .

On the distribution of -integers in Piatetski-Shapiro sequences

Teerapat Srichan (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A natural number is said to be a -integer if , where and is not divisible by the th power of any prime. We study the distribution of such -integers in the Piatetski-Shapiro sequence with . As a corollary, we also obtain similar results for semi--free integers.

Capacitary estimates of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with absorbtion

Moshe Marcus, Laurent Véron (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let be a bounded domain of class in N and let be a compact subset of . Assume that and denote by the maximal solution of in which vanishes on . We obtain sharp upper and lower estimates for in terms of the Bessel capacity and prove that is -moderate. In addition we describe the precise asymptotic behavior of at points , which depends on the “density” of at , measured in terms of the capacity .

Variations on a question concerning the degrees of divisors of

Lola Thompson (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


In this paper, we examine a natural question concerning the divisors of the polynomial : “How often does have a divisor of every degree between and ?” In a previous paper, we considered the situation when is factored in . In this paper, we replace with , where is an arbitrary-but-fixed prime. We also consider those where this condition holds for all .

A note on the existence of solutions with prescribed asymptotic behavior for half-linear ordinary differential equations

Manabu Naito (2024)

Mathematica Bohemica


The half-linear differential equation is considered, where and are positive constants and is a real-valued continuous function on . It is proved that, under a mild integral smallness condition of which is weaker than the absolutely integrable condition of , the above equation has a nonoscillatory solution such that and (), and a nonoscillatory solution such that and ().

Recognition of some families of finite simple groups by order and set of orders of vanishing elements

Maryam Khatami, Azam Babai (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let be a finite group. An element is called a vanishing element if there exists an irreducible complex character of such that . Denote by the set of orders of vanishing elements of . Ghasemabadi, Iranmanesh, Mavadatpour (2015), in their paper presented the following conjecture: Let be a finite group and a finite nonabelian simple group such that and . Then . We answer in affirmative this conjecture for , where and either , or is a prime number, and , where...

A Diophantine inequality with four squares and one th power of primes

Quanwu Mu, Minhui Zhu, Ping Li (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let be an odd integer and be any given real number. We prove that if , , , , are nonzero real numbers, not all of the same sign, and is irrational, then for any real number with , the inequality has infinitely many solutions in prime variables , where for and for odd integer with . This improves a recent result in W. Ge, T. Wang (2018).

Repdigits in generalized Pell sequences

Jhon J. Bravo, Jose L. Herrera (2020)

Archivum Mathematicum


For an integer , let be the generalized Pell sequence which starts with ( terms) and each term afterwards is given by the linear recurrence . In this paper, we find all -generalized Pell numbers with only one distinct digit (the so-called repdigits). Some interesting estimations involving generalized Pell numbers, that we believe are of independent interest, are also deduced. This paper continues a previous work that searched for repdigits in the usual Pell sequence . ...

On an additive problem of unlike powers in short intervals

Qingqing Zhang (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We prove that almost all positive even integers can be represented as with for . As a consequence, we show that each sufficiently large odd integer can be written as with for .

Earnshaw’s Theorem in Electrostatics and a Conditional Converse to Dirichlet’s Theorem

Jeffrey Rauch (2013-2014)

Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications


For the dynamics , an equilibrium point are always unstable when on a neighborhood of the non constant satisfies for a real second order elliptic . The proof uses a result of Kozlov [6].