Displaying similar documents to “A note on rational surgeries on a Hopf link”

On the length of rational continued fractions over q ( X )

S. Driss (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


Let q be a finite field and A ( Y ) q ( X , Y ) . The aim of this paper is to prove that the length of the continued fraction expansion of A ( P ) ; P q [ X ] , is bounded.

A note on Sierpiński's problem related to triangular numbers

Maciej Ulas (2009)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We show that the system of equations t x + t y = t p , t y + t z = t q , t x + t z = t r , where t x = x ( x + 1 ) / 2 is a triangular number, has infinitely many solutions in integers. Moreover, we show that this system has a rational three-parameter solution. Using this result we show that the system t x + t y = t p , t y + t z = t q , t x + t z = t r , t x + t y + t z = t s has infinitely many rational two-parameter solutions.

Automatic continued fractions are transcendental or quadratic

Yann Bugeaud (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


We establish new combinatorial transcendence criteria for continued fraction expansions. Let  α = [ 0 ; a 1 , a 2 , ... ] be an algebraic number of degree at least three. One of our criteria implies that the sequence of partial quotients ( a ) 1 of  α is not ‘too simple’ (in a suitable sense) and cannot be generated by a finite automaton.

The structures of Hopf * -algebra on Radford algebras

Hassan Suleman Esmael Mohammed, Hui-Xiang Chen (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We investigate the structures of Hopf * -algebra on the Radford algebras over . All the * -structures on H are explicitly given. Moreover, these Hopf * -algebra structures are classified up to equivalence.

Rational points on curves

Michael Stoll (2011)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


This is an extended version of an invited lecture I gave at the Journées Arithmétiques in St. Étienne in July 2009. We discuss the state of the art regarding the problem of finding the set of rational points on a (smooth projective) geometrically integral curve  C over  . The focus is on practical aspects of this problem in the case that the genus of  C is at least  2 , and therefore the set of rational points is finite.

Classification of ideals of 8 -dimensional Radford Hopf algebra

Yu Wang (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let H m , n be the m n 2 -dimensional Radford Hopf algebra over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. We give the classification of all ideals of 8 -dimensional Radford Hopf algebra H 2 , 2 by generators.

The duality theorem for twisted smash products of Hopf algebras and its applications

Zhongwei Wang, Liangyun Zhang (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let A T H denote the twisted smash product of an arbitrary algebra A and a Hopf algebra H over a field. We present an analogue of the celebrated Blattner-Montgomery duality theorem for A T H , and as an application we establish the relationship between the homological dimensions of A T H and A if H and its dual H* are both semisimple.

The bicrossed products of H 4 and H 8

Daowei Lu, Yan Ning, Dingguo Wang (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let H 4 and H 8 be the Sweedler’s and Kac-Paljutkin Hopf algebras, respectively. We prove that any Hopf algebra which factorizes through H 8 and H 4 (equivalently, any bicrossed product between the Hopf algebras H 8 and H 4 ) must be isomorphic to one of the following four Hopf algebras: H 8 H 4 , H 32 , 1 , H 32 , 2 , H 32 , 3 . The set of all matched pairs ( H 8 , H 4 , , ) is explicitly described, and then the associated bicrossed product is given by generators and relations.

Composite rational functions expressible with few terms

Clemens Fuchs, Umberto Zannier (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider a rational function f which is ‘lacunary’ in the sense that it can be expressed as the ratio of two polynomials (not necessarily coprime) having each at most a given number of terms. Then we look at the possible decompositions f ( x ) = g ( h ( x ) ) , where g , h are rational functions of degree larger than 1. We prove that, apart from certain exceptional cases which we completely describe, the degree of g is bounded only in terms of (and we provide explicit bounds). This supports and quantifies...

Monomorphisms of coalgebras

A. L. Agore (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We prove new necessary and sufficient conditions for a morphism of coalgebras to be a monomorphism, different from the ones already available in the literature. More precisely, φ: C → D is a monomorphism of coalgebras if and only if the first cohomology groups of the coalgebras C and D coincide if and only if i I ε ( a i ) b i = i I a i ε ( b i ) for all i I a i b i C D C . In particular, necessary and sufficient conditions for a Hopf algebra map to be a monomorphism are given.

Multidimensional Gauss reduction theory for conjugacy classes of SL ( n , )

Oleg Karpenkov (2013)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


In this paper we describe the set of conjugacy classes in the group SL ( n , ) . We expand geometric Gauss Reduction Theory that solves the problem for SL ( 2 , ) to the multidimensional case, where ς -reduced Hessenberg matrices play the role of reduced matrices. Further we find complete invariants of conjugacy classes in GL ( n , ) in terms of multidimensional Klein-Voronoi continued fractions.

Real singular Del Pezzo surfaces and 3-folds fibred by rational curves, II

Fabrizio Catanese, Frédéric Mangolte (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let W X be a real smooth projective 3-fold fibred by rational curves such that W ( ) is orientable. J. Kollár proved that a connected component N of W ( ) is essentially either Seifert fibred or a connected sum of lens spaces. Answering three questions of Kollár, we give sharp estimates on the number and the multiplicities of the Seifert fibres (resp. the number and the torsions of the lens spaces) when X is a geometrically rational surface. When N is Seifert fibred over a base orbifold F , our...

Gropes and the rational lift of the Kontsevich integral

James Conant (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We calculate the leading term of the rational lift of the Kontsevich integral, Z , introduced by Garoufalidis and Kricker, on the boundary of an embedded grope of class, 2n. We observe that it lies in the subspace spanned by connected diagrams of Euler degree 2n-2 and with a bead t-1 on a single edge. This places severe algebraic restrictions on the sort of knots that can bound gropes, and in particular implies the two main results of the author’s thesis [1], at least over the rationals. ...

Characteristic Exponents of Rational Functions

Anna Zdunik (2014)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


We consider two characteristic exponents of a rational function f:ℂ̂ → ℂ̂ of degree d ≥ 2. The exponent χ a ( f ) is the average of log∥f’∥ with respect to the measure of maximal entropy. The exponent χ m ( f ) can be defined as the maximal characteristic exponent over all periodic orbits of f. We prove that χ a ( f ) = χ m ( f ) if and only if f(z) is conformally conjugate to z z ± d .