Displaying 1721 – 1740 of 2199

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Resonance behaviour of the spherical pendulum damper

Fischer, Cyril, Náprstek, Jiří (2008)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The pendulum damper modelled as a two degree of freedom strongly non-linear auto-parametric system is investigated using two approximate differential systems. Uni-directional harmonic external excitation at the suspension point is considered. Semi-trivial solutions and their stability are analyzed. The thorough analysis of the non-linear system using less simplification than it is used in the paper [2] is performed. Both approaches are compared and conclusions are drawn.

Riemann solution for hyperbolic equations with discontinuous coefficients

Remaki, L. (2013)

Applications of Mathematics 2013

This paper deals with a Riemann solution for scalar hyperbolic equations with discontinuous coefficients. In many numerical schemes of Godunov type in fluid dynamics, electromagnetic and so on, usually hyperbolic problems are solved to estimate fluxes. The exact solution is generally difficult to obtain, but good approximations are provided in many situations like Roe and HLLC Riemann solvers in fluid. However all these solvers assumes that the acoustic waves speeds are continuous which is not...

Rozvodová pře

Alexander Kitajgorodskij (1981)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

RusDML 2008

Wegner, Bernd (2008)

Towards Digital Mathematics Library. Birmingham, United Kingdom, July 27th, 2008

The purpose of this extended abstract is to summarize the report on the final achievements of the RusDML project, where this acronym stands for Russian Digital Mathematical Library. The initial phases of the project have been described in [Evstigneeva, G. A., Wegner, B.: O proekte sozdanija elektronnogo archiva russkich publikatsii po matematiki. Proceedings of LIBCOM 2002, Yershovo, November 2002.] and [Evstigneeva, G. A., Zemskov, A.: RusDML — a Russian-German project for establishing a digital...

Šachové úlohy v kombinatorice

Lucie Chybová (2018)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Článek pojednává o matematických úlohách souvisejících se šachovnicí a šachovými figurami. Ze šachu však budeme potřebovat pouze pravidla pro pohyb figur po šachovnici. Postupně se zaměřujeme na jezdcovy procházky po obdélníkových šachovnicích a dále na tzv. nezávislost a dominanci figur a vztah mezi nimi na čtvercových šachovnicích. Ukážeme, že některé problémy lze řešit elegantněji, pokud je přeformulujeme v řeči teorie grafů.

Savoir manier les instruments : la géométrie dans les écrits italiens d’architecture (1545-1570)

Samuel Gessner (2010)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

Cet article est consacré à la géométrie véhiculée par les écrits d’architecture, en particulier les écrits italiens de la seconde moité du xvie siècle. Il explore le rôle central attribué aux instruments dans cette géométrie. De quelle façon s’insère-t-elle dans les multiples traditions mathématiques de la même époque ? Elle se nourrit de fait à la fois d’apports de la tradition savante, de celle des abacistes et de la géométrie pratique. On s’attachera à mettre en évidence, dans les propositions...

Currently displaying 1721 – 1740 of 2199