Quelques aspects de la dualité entre logique et topologie
A. M. Bica has constructed in [6] two isomorphic Abelian groups, defined on quotient sets of the set of those unimodal fuzzy numbers which have strictly monotone and continuous sides. In this paper, we extend the results of above mentioned paper, to a larger class of fuzzy numbers, by adding the flat fuzzy numbers. Furthermore, we add the topological structure and we characterize the constructed quotient groups, by using the set of the continuous functions with bounded variation, defined on .
In this paper, we first investigate some properties of the hyper pseudo BCK-algebras. Then we define the concepts of strong and reflexive hyper pseudo BCK-ideals and establish some relationships among them and the other types of hyper pseudo BCK-ideals. Also, we introduce the notion of regular congruence relation on hyper pseudo BCK-algebras and investigate some related properties. By using this relation, we construct the quotient hyper pseudo BCK-algebra and give some related results.
We characterize those classes 𝓒 of separable Banach spaces for which there exists a separable Banach space Y not containing ℓ₁ and such that every space in the class 𝓒 is a quotient of Y.
Assuming ⋄, we construct a connected compact topological space K such that for every closed L ⊂ K the Banach space C(L) has few operators, in the sense that every operator on C(L) is multiplication by a continuous function plus a weakly compact operator. In particular, C(K) is indecomposable and has continuum many non-isomorphic indecomposable quotients, and K does not contain a homeomorphic copy of βℕ. Moreover, assuming CH we construct a connected compact K where C(K) has few...