Displaying 961 – 980 of 5970

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Coalitional fuzzy preferences

Milan Mareš (2002)


The paper deals with the concept of coalitional preferences in the group decision-making situations in which the agents and coalitions have only vague idea about the comparative acceptability of particular outcomes. The coalitional games with vague utilities (see, e. g., [6]) can serve for a good example when some types of the game solutions (e. g., the von Neumann– Morgenstern one) are to be extended to the fuzzy game case. In this paper, we consider the fuzzy analogies of coalitional preferences...

Cofinal types of topological directed orders

SŁawomir Solecki, Stevo Todorcevic (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We investigate the structure of the Tukey ordering among directed orders arising naturally in topology and measure theory.

Cohen real and disjoint refinement of perfect sets

Miroslav Repický (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that if there exists a Cohen real over a model, then the family of perfect sets coded in the model has a disjoint refinement by perfect sets.

Coherent adequate sets and forcing square

John Krueger (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We introduce the idea of a coherent adequate set of models, which can be used as side conditions in forcing. As an application we define a forcing poset which adds a square sequence on ω₂ using finite conditions.

Coherent randomness tests and computing the K -trivial sets

Laurent Bienvenu, Noam Greenberg, Antonín Kučera, André Nies, Dan Turetsky (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We introduce Oberwolfach randomness, a notion within Demuth’s framework of statistical tests with moving components; here the components’ movement has to be coherent across levels. We show that a ML-random set computes all K -trivial sets if and only if it is not Oberwolfach random, and indeed that there is a K -trivial set which is not computable from any Oberwolfach random set. We show that Oberwolfach random sets satisfy effective versions of almost-everywhere theorems of analysis, such as the...

Colimit-dense subcategories

Jiří Adámek, Andrew D. Brooke-Taylor, Tim Campion, Leonid Positselski, Jiří Rosický (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Among cocomplete categories, the locally presentable ones can be defined as those with a strong generator consisting of presentable objects. Assuming Vopěnka’s Principle, we prove that a cocomplete category is locally presentable if and only if it has a colimit dense subcategory and a generator consisting of presentable objects. We further show that a 3 -element set is colimit-dense in 𝐒𝐞𝐭 op , and spaces of countable dimension are colimit-dense in 𝐕𝐞𝐜 op .

Coloring grids

Ramiro de la Vega (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A structure = ( A ; E i ) i n where each E i is an equivalence relation on A is called an n-grid if any two equivalence classes coming from distinct E i ’s intersect in a finite set. A function χ: A → n is an acceptable coloring if for all i ∈ n, the χ - 1 ( i ) intersects each E i -equivalence class in a finite set. If B is a set, then the n-cube Bⁿ may be seen as an n-grid, where the equivalence classes of E i are the lines parallel to the ith coordinate axis. We use elementary submodels of the universe to characterize those n-grids...

Currently displaying 961 – 980 of 5970