Some model theory of simple algebraic groups over algebraically closed fields
We study the action of G = SL(2,ℝ), viewed as a group definable in the structure M = (ℝ,+,×), on its type space . We identify a minimal closed G-flow I and an idempotent r ∈ I (with respect to the Ellis semigroup structure * on ). We also show that the “Ellis group” (r*I,*) is nontrivial, in fact it is the group with two elements, yielding a negative answer to a question of Newelski.
The old game is the point-open one discovered independently by F. Galvin [7] and R. Telgársky [17]. Recall that it is played on a topological space as follows: at the -th move the first player picks a point and the second responds with choosing an open . The game stops after moves and the first player wins if . Otherwise the victory is ascribed to the second player. In this paper we introduce and study the games and . In the moves are made exactly as in the point-open game, but the...
We show that the first order structure whose underlying universe is ℂ and whose basic relations are all algebraic subsets of ℂ² does not have quantifier elimination. Since an algebraic subset of ℂ² is either of dimension ≤ 1 or has a complement of dimension ≤ 1, one can restate the former result as a failure of quantifier elimination for planar complex algebraic curves. We then prove that removing the planarity hypothesis suffices to recover quantifier elimination: the structure with the universe...
In this paper, we introduce the product, coproduct, equalizer and coequalizer notions on the category of fuzzy implications on a bounded lattice that results in the existence of the limit, pullback, colimit and pushout. Also isomorphism, monic and epic are introduced in this category. Then a subcategory of this category, called the skeleton, is studied. Where none of any two fuzzy implications are -conjugate.
In this paper, an equivalence on the class of uninorms on a bounded lattice is discussed. Some relationships between the equivalence classes of uninorms and the equivalence classes of their underlying t-norms and t-conorms are presented. Also, a characterization for the sets admitting some incomparability w.r.t. the U-partial order is given.
We prove that some fairly basic questions on automata reading infinite words depend on the models of the axiomatic system ZFC. It is known that there are only three possibilities for the cardinality of the complement of an ω-language L(x1d49c;) accepted by a Büchi 1-counter automaton x1d49c;. We prove the following surprising result: there exists a 1-counter Büchi automaton x1d49c; such that the cardinality of the complement L(𝒜) − of the ω-language L(𝒜) is not determined...
We prove that some fairly basic questions on automata reading infinite words depend on the models of the axiomatic system ZFC. It is known that there are only three possibilities for the cardinality of the complement of an ω-language L(𝒜) accepted by a Büchi 1-counter automaton 𝒜. We prove the following surprising result: there exists a 1-counter Büchi automaton 𝒜 such that the cardinality of the complement L(𝒜) − of the ω-language L(𝒜) is not determined by ZFC: (1) There is a model V1...
Some properties of the quasi-inverse operators are presented. They are basic tools in order to reduce complex expressions involving several of such operators. An effective calculation for the quasi-inverse of a continuous t-norm is also provided.
In the paper the problem of mathematical properties of -operations and weak -operations introduced by the author for interpretation of connectives “and”, “or”, and “also” in fuzzy rules is considered. In previous author’s papers some interesting properties of fuzzy systems with these operations were shown. These operations are weaker than triangular norms used commonly for a fuzzy system described by set of rules of the type if – then. Monotonicity condition, required for triangular norms, is...
This paper represents a start in the study of epimorphisms in some categories of Hilbert algebras. Even if we give a complete characterization for such epimorphisms only for implication algebras, the following results will make possible the construction of some examples of epimorphisms which are not surjective functions. Also, we will show that the study of epimorphisms of Hilbert algebras is equivalent with the study of epimorphisms of Hertz algebras.
In this paper, we prove that Eulerian lattices satisfying some weaker conditions for lattices or some weaker conditions for 0-distributive lattices become Boolean.