Displaying 1921 – 1940 of 5970

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Hereditarily Hurewicz spaces and Arhangel'skii sheaf amalgamations

Boaz Tsaban, Lubomyr Zdomsky (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

A classical theorem of Hurewicz characterizes spaces with the Hurewicz covering property as those having bounded continuous images in the Baire space. We give a similar characterization for spaces X which have the Hurewicz property hereditarily. We proceed to consider the class of Arhangel’skii α 1 spaces, for which every sheaf at a point can be amalgamated in a natural way. Let C p ( X ) denote the space of continuous real-valued functions on X with the topology of pointwise convergence. Our main result...

Hierarchies and reducibilities on regular languages related to modulo counting

Victor L. Selivanov (2009)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We discuss some known and introduce some new hierarchies and reducibilities on regular languages, with the emphasis on the quantifier-alternation and difference hierarchies of the quasi-aperiodic languages. The non-collapse of these hierarchies and decidability of some levels are established. Complete sets in the levels of the hierarchies under the polylogtime and some quantifier-free reducibilities are found. Some facts about the corresponding degree structures are established. As an application,...

Hierarchies and reducibilities on regular languages related to modulo counting

Victor L. Selivanov (2008)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We discuss some known and introduce some new hierarchies and reducibilities on regular languages, with the emphasis on the quantifier-alternation and difference hierarchies of the quasi-aperiodic languages. The non-collapse of these hierarchies and decidability of some levels are established. Complete sets in the levels of the hierarchies under the polylogtime and some quantifier-free reducibilities are found. Some facts about the corresponding degree structures are established. As an application, we...

Hierarchies of function classes defined by the first-value operator

Armin Hemmerling (2008)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

The first-value operator assigns to any sequence of partial functions of the same type a new such function. Its domain is the union of the domains of the sequence functions, and its value at any point is just the value of the first function in the sequence which is defined at that point. In this paper, the first-value operator is applied to establish hierarchies of classes of functions under various settings. For effective sequences of computable discrete functions, we obtain a hierarchy connected...

Hierarchies of function classes defined by the first-value operator

Armin Hemmerling (2007)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The first-value operator assigns to any sequence of partial functions of the same type a new such function. Its domain is the union of the domains of the sequence functions, and its value at any point is just the value of the first function in the sequence which is defined at that point. In this paper, the first-value operator is applied to establish hierarchies of classes of functions under various settings. For effective sequences of computable discrete functions, we obtain a hierarchy connected...

Highly Undecidable Problems For Infinite Computations

Olivier Finkel (2009)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We show that many classical decision problems about 1-counter ω-languages, context free ω-languages, or infinitary rational relations, are Π½ -complete, hence located at the second level of the analytical hierarchy, and “highly undecidable”. In particular, the universality problem, the inclusion problem, the equivalence problem, the determinizability problem, the complementability problem, and the unambiguity problem are all Π½ -complete for context-free ω-languages or for infinitary rational...

Hilbert algebras as implicative partial semilattices

Jānis Cīrulis (2007)

Open Mathematics

The infimum of elements a and b of a Hilbert algebra are said to be the compatible meet of a and b, if the elements a and b are compatible in a certain strict sense. The subject of the paper will be Hilbert algebras equipped with the compatible meet operation, which normally is partial. A partial lower semilattice is shown to be a reduct of such an expanded Hilbert algebra i ?both algebras have the same ?lters.An expanded Hilbert algebra is actually an implicative partial semilattice (i.e., a relative...

Historic forcing for Depth

Andrzej Rosłanowski, Saharon Shelah (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that, consistently, for some regular cardinals θ <λ, there exists a Boolean algebra 𝔹 such that |𝔹| = λ⁺ and for every subalgebra 𝔹'⊆ 𝔹 of size λ⁺ we have Depth(𝔹') = θ.

Currently displaying 1921 – 1940 of 5970