Continuous monoids and yields of infinite trees
We explore the borderline between decidability and undecidability of the following question: “Let C be a class of codes. Given a machine of type X, is it decidable whether the language lies in C or not?” for codes in general, ω-codes, codes of finite and bounded deciphering delay, prefix, suffix and bi(pre)fix codes, and for finite automata equipped with different versions of push-down stores and counters.
We consider logics on and which are weaker than Presburger arithmetic and we settle the following decision problem: given a k-ary relation on and which are first order definable in Presburger arithmetic, are they definable in these weaker logics? These logics, intuitively, are obtained by considering modulo and threshold counting predicates for differences of two variables.
We consider the four families of recognizable, synchronous, deterministic rational and rational subsets of a direct product of free monoids. They form a strict hierarchy and we investigate the following decision problem: given a relation in one of the families, does it belong to a smaller family? We settle the problem entirely when all monoids have a unique generator and fill some gaps in the general case. In particular, adapting a proof of Stearns, we show that it is recursively decidable whether...
We discuss some known and introduce some new hierarchies and reducibilities on regular languages, with the emphasis on the quantifier-alternation and difference hierarchies of the quasi-aperiodic languages. The non-collapse of these hierarchies and decidability of some levels are established. Complete sets in the levels of the hierarchies under the polylogtime and some quantifier-free reducibilities are found. Some facts about the corresponding degree structures are established. As an application,...
We discuss some known and introduce some new hierarchies and reducibilities on regular languages, with the emphasis on the quantifier-alternation and difference hierarchies of the quasi-aperiodic languages. The non-collapse of these hierarchies and decidability of some levels are established. Complete sets in the levels of the hierarchies under the polylogtime and some quantifier-free reducibilities are found. Some facts about the corresponding degree structures are established. As an application, we...
We show that many classical decision problems about 1-counter ω-languages, context free ω-languages, or infinitary rational relations, are Π½ -complete, hence located at the second level of the analytical hierarchy, and “highly undecidable”. In particular, the universality problem, the inclusion problem, the equivalence problem, the determinizability problem, the complementability problem, and the unambiguity problem are all Π½ -complete for context-free ω-languages or for infinitary rational...