Addition of fuzzy quantities: Disjunction-conjunction approach
We prove some properties of uniformly completely Ramsey null sets (for example, every hereditarily Menger set is uniformly completely Ramsey null).
Les arguments de Maddy avancés en 1990 contre la théorie des agrégats se trouvent affaiblis par le retournement qu’elle opère en 1997. La présente communication examine cette théorie à la lumière de ce retournement ainsi que des récentes recherches sur les “Nouveaux axiomes pour les mathématiques”. Si la théorie des ensembles est la théorie de la partie–tout des singletons, identifier les singletons à leurs membres singuliers ramène la théorie des ensembles à la théorie des agrégats. Toutefois si...
In a fuzzy measure space we study aggregation operators by means of the hypographs of the measurable functions. We extend the fuzzy measures associated to these operators to more general fuzzy measures and we study their properties.
This paper deals with the satisfaction of the well-known Non-Contradiction (NC) and Excluded-Middle (EM) principles within the framework of aggregation operators. Both principles are interpreted in a non-standard way, based on self-contradiction (as in Ancient Logic) instead of falsity (as in Modern Logic). The logical negation is represented by means of strong negation functions, and conditions are given both for those aggregation operators that satisfy NC/EM with respect to (w.r.t.) some given...
In spite of increasing studies and investigations in the field of aggregation operators, there are two fundamental problems remaining unsolved: aggregation of -fuzzy set-theoretic notions and their justification. In order to solve these problems, we will formulate aggregation operators and their special types on partially ordered sets with universal bounds, and introduce their categories. Furthermore, we will show that there exists a strong connection between the category of aggregation operators...
We consider aggregations of fuzzy relations using means in [0,1] (especially: minimum, maximum and quasilinear mean). After recalling fundamental properties of fuzzy relations we examine means, which preserve reflexivity, symmetry, connectedness and transitivity of fuzzy relations. Conversely, some properties of aggregated relations can be inferred from properties of aggregation results. Results of the paper are completed by suitable examples and counter- examples, which is summarized in a special...
En este trabajo se propone una estructura de álgebra difusa (borrosa) basada en la distinción entre difusidad extensiva y comprehensiva, desarrollando y conectando los trabajos de Nahmias sobre variables difusas, de Klement sobre medibilidad difusa y de Nowakowska sobre estructuras de conceptos.