Mesurabilité des débuts et théorème de section : le lot à la portée de toutes les bourses
According to the Furstenberg-Zimmer structure theorem, every measure-preserving system has a maximal distal factor, and is weak mixing relative to that factor. Furstenberg and Katznelson used this structural analysis of measure-preserving systems to provide a perspicuous proof of Szemerédi’s theorem. Beleznay and Foreman showed that, in general, the transfinite construction of the maximal distal factor of a separable measure-preserving system can extend arbitrarily far into the countable ordinals....
If (X,d) is a metric space then a map f: X → X is defined to be a weak contraction if d(f(x),f(y)) < d(x,y) for all x,y ∈ X, x ≠ y. We determine the simplest non-closed sets X ⊆ ℝⁿ in the sense of descriptive set-theoretic complexity such that every weak contraction f: X → X is constant. In order to do so, we prove that there exists a non-closed set F ⊆ ℝ such that every weak contraction f: F → F is constant. Similarly, there exists a non-closed set G ⊆ ℝ such that every weak contraction...
In this paper we consider the point character of metric spaces. This parameter which is a uniform version of dimension, was introduced in the context of uniform spaces in the late seventies by Jan Pelant, Cardinal reflections and point-character of uniformities, Seminar Uniform Spaces (Prague, 1973–1974), Math. Inst. Czech. Acad. Sci., Prague, 1975, pp. 149–158. Here we prove for each cardinal , the existence of a metric space of cardinality and point character . Since the point character can...
We consider a combinatorial problem related to guessing the values of a function at various points based on its values at certain other points, often presented by way of a hat-problem metaphor: there are a number of players who will have colored hats placed on their heads, and they wish to guess the colors of their own hats. A visibility relation specifies who can see which hats. This paper focuses on the existence of minimal predictors: strategies guaranteeing at least one player guesses correctly,...
We will characterize-under appropriate axiomatic assumptions-when a linear order is minimal with respect to not being a countable union of scattered suborders. We show that, assuming PFA⁺, the only linear orders which are minimal with respect to not being σ-scattered are either Countryman types or real types. We also outline a plausible approach to demonstrating the relative consistency of: There are no minimal non-σ-scattered linear orders. In the process of establishing these results, we will...