Maximal σ-independent families
We show that the existence of a non-trivial category base on a set of regular cardinality with each subset being Baire is equiconsistent to the existence of a measurable cardinal.
We prove that all groups can be realized as fundamental groups of compact spaces if and only if no measurable cardinals exist. If the cardinality of a group G is nonmeasurable then the compact space K such that G = π₁K may be chosen so that it is path connected.
Assuming the existence of a P₂κ-hypermeasurable cardinal, we construct a model of Set Theory with a measurable cardinal κ such that and the group Sym(κ) of all permutations of κ cannot be written as the union of a chain of proper subgroups of length < κ⁺⁺. The proof involves iteration of a suitably defined uncountable version of the Miller forcing poset as well as the “tuning fork” argument introduced by the first author and K. Thompson [J. Symbolic Logic 73 (2008)].
We show that the existence of measurable envelopes of all subsets of ℝⁿ with respect to the d-dimensional Hausdorff measure (0 < d < n) is independent of ZFC. We also investigate the consistency of the existence of -measurable Sierpiński sets.
We prove that the statement: "there is a Corson compact space with a non-separable Radon measure" is equivalent to a number of natural statements in set theory.
We consider the problem of finding a measurable unfriendly partition of the vertex set of a locally finite Borel graph on standard probability space. After isolating a sufficient condition for the existence of such a partition, we show how it settles the dynamical analog of the problem (up to weak equivalence) for graphs induced by free, measure-preserving actions of groups with designated finite generating set. As a corollary, we obtain the existence of translation-invariant random unfriendly colorings...
En este trabajo se realiza un estudio de Medidas de Nitidez para conjuntos difusos. Se comienza dando los conceptos de Medida Puntual de Nitidez o Auto-nitidez puntual y Medida de Nitidez para conjunto difuso, pasando a continuación a dar dos teoremas de construcción de Medidas de Nitidez y uno de caracterización para aquellas medidas que sean valoraciones en el retículo Ln(X).