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Distributivity of ordinal sum implications over overlap and grouping functions

Deng Pan, Hongjun Zhou (2021)


In 2015, a new class of fuzzy implications, called ordinal sum implications, was proposed by Su et al. They then discussed the distributivity of such ordinal sum implications with respect to t-norms and t-conorms. In this paper, we continue the study of distributivity of such ordinal sum implications over two newly-born classes of aggregation operators, namely overlap and grouping functions, respectively. The main results of this paper are characterizations of the overlap and/or grouping function...

Divergence measure between fuzzy sets using cardinality

Vladimír Kobza (2017)


In this paper we extend the concept of measuring difference between two fuzzy subsets defined on a finite universe. The first main section is devoted to the local divergence measures. We propose a divergence measure based on the scalar cardinalities of fuzzy sets with respect to the basic axioms. In the next step we introduce the divergence based on the generating function and the appropriate distances. The other approach to the divergence measure is motivated by class of the rational similarity...

Dominating analytic families

Anastasis Kamburelis (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let A be an analytic family of sequences of sets of integers. We show that either A is dominated or it contains a continuum of almost disjoint sequences. From this we obtain a theorem by Shelah that a Suslin c.c.c. forcing adds a Cohen real if it adds an unbounded real.

Dual meaning of verbal quantities

Milan Mareš, Radko Mesiar (2002)


The aim of the paper is to summarize and interpret some ideas regarding effective processing of vague data. The main contribution of the submitted approach consists in respecting the fact that vague data can be decomposed into two parts. The numerical one, describing the quantitative value of such data, and the semantic one characterizing the qualitative structure of the vagueness included into them. This partition of vague verbal data leads to a significant simplification of their practical processing,...

Dualidad en la programación lineal en subconjuntos difusos.

José Llena Sitjes (1988)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

La programación lineal sobre subconjuntos difusos, definida por Zimmermann, se desarrolla en estrecha relación con la definición de las funciones pertinentes funciones de pertenencia. Se estudia la dualidad difusa, ligada a la dualidad en los problemas de programación lineal con multicriterios.

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