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Atomicity of lattice effect algebras and their sub-lattice effect algebras

Jan Paseka, Zdena Riečanová (2009)


We show some families of lattice effect algebras (a common generalization of orthomodular lattices and MV-effect algebras) each element E of which has atomic center C(E) or the subset S(E) of all sharp elements, resp. the center of compatibility B(E) or every block M of E. The atomicity of E or its sub-lattice effect algebras C(E), S(E), B(E) and blocks M of E is very useful equipment for the investigations of its algebraic and topological properties, the existence or smearing of states on E, questions...

Automorphisms of concrete logics

Mirko Navara, Josef Tkadlec (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The main result of this paper is Theorem 3.3: Every concrete logic (i.e., every set-representable orthomodular poset) can be enlarged to a concrete logic with a given automorphism group and with a given center. Since every sublogic of a concrete logic is concrete, too, and since not every state space of a (general) quantum logic is affinely homeomorphic to the state space of a concrete logic [8], our result seems in a sense the best possible. Further, we show that every group is an automorphism...

Axiomatizing quantum MV-algebras.

Roberto Giuntini (1997)

Mathware and Soft Computing

We introduce the notion of p-ideal of a QMV-algebra and we prove that the class of all p-ideals of a QMV-algebra M is in one-to-one correspondence with the class of all congruence relations of M.

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