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Partially additive states on orthomodular posets

Josef Tkadlec (1991)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We fix a Boolean subalgebra B of an orthomodular poset P and study the mappings s:P → [0,1] which respect the ordering and the orthocomplementation in P and which are additive on B. We call such functions B-states on P. We first show that every P possesses "enough" two-valued B-states. This improves the main result in [13], where B is the centre of P. Moreover, it allows us to construct a closure-space representation of orthomodular lattices. We do this in the third section. This result may also...

Polyadic algebras over nonclassical logics

Don Pigozzi, Antonino Salibra (1993)

Banach Center Publications

The polyadic algebras that arise from the algebraization of the first-order extensions of a SIC are characterized and a representation theorem is proved. Standard implicational calculi (SIC)'s were considered by H. Rasiowa [19] and include classical and intuitionistic logic and their various weakenings and fragments, the many-valued logics of Post and Łukasiewicz, modal logics that admit the rule of necessitation, BCK logic, etc.

Poset-valued preference relations

Vladimír Janiš, Susana Montes, Branimir Šešelja, Andreja Tepavčević (2015)


In decision processes some objects may not be comparable with respect to a preference relation, especially if several criteria are considered. To provide a model for such cases a poset valued preference relation is introduced as a fuzzy relation on a set of alternatives with membership values in a partially ordered set. We analyze its properties and prove the representation theorem in terms of particular order reversing involution on the co-domain poset. We prove that for every set of alternatives...

Priestley dualities for some lattice-ordered algebraic structures, including MTL, IMTL and MV-algebras

Leonardo Cabrer, Sergio Celani (2006)

Open Mathematics

In this work we give a duality for many classes of lattice ordered algebras, as Integral Commutative Distributive Residuated Lattices MTL-algebras, IMTL-algebras and MV-algebras (see page 604). These dualities are obtained by restricting the duality given by the second author for DLFI-algebras by means of Priestley spaces with ternary relations (see [2]). We translate the equations that define some known subvarieties of DLFI-algebras to relational conditions in the associated DLFI-space.

Prime ideal theorem for double Boolean algebras

Léonard Kwuida (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Double Boolean algebras are algebras (D,⊓,⊔,⊲,⊳,⊥,⊤) of type (2,2,1,1,0,0). They have been introduced to capture the equational theory of the algebra of protoconcepts. A filter (resp. an ideal) of a double Boolean algebra D is an upper set F (resp. down set I) closed under ⊓ (resp. ⊔). A filter F is called primary if F ≠ ∅ and for all x ∈ D we have x ∈ F or x F . In this note we prove that if F is a filter and I an ideal such that F ∩ I = ∅ then there is a primary filter G containing F such that G...

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