On the products of quantum logics
The probability of the occurrence of an event pertaining to a physical system which is observed in different states determines a function from the set of states of the system to . The function is called a numerical event or multidimensional probability. When appropriately structured, sets of numerical events form so-called algebras of -probabilities. Their main feature is that they are orthomodular partially ordered sets of functions with an inherent full set of states. A classical...
Ordered prime spectra of Boolean products of bounded -monoids are described by means of their decompositions to the prime spectra of the components.
The algebraic theory of quantum logics overlaps in places with certain areas of cybernetics, notably with the field of artificial intelligence (see, e. g., [19, 20]). Recently an effort has been exercised to advance with logics that possess a symmetric difference ([13, 14]) - with so called orthocomplemented difference lattices (ODLs). This paper further contributes to this effort. In [13] the author constructs an ODL that is not set-representable. This example is quite elaborate. A main result...
The set of all atoms of an atomic orthomodular lattice is said to be almost orthogonal if the set is finite for every . It is said to be strongly almost orthogonal if, for every , any sequence of atoms such that contains at most finitely many distinct elements. We study the relation and consequences of these notions. We show among others that a complete atomic orthomodular lattice is a compact topological one if and only if the set of all its atoms is almost orthogonal.