Les chaínes complêtes sont simplifiables à droite pour la multiplication ordinale
Let G be an abelian group acting on a set X, and suppose that no element of G has any finite orbit of size greater than one. We show that every partial order on X invariant under G extends to a linear order on X also invariant under G. We then discuss extensions to linear preorders when the orbit condition is not met, and show that for any abelian group acting on a set X, there is a linear preorder ≤ on the powerset 𝓟X invariant under G and such that if A is a proper subset of B, then A < B...
We will characterize-under appropriate axiomatic assumptions-when a linear order is minimal with respect to not being a countable union of scattered suborders. We show that, assuming PFA⁺, the only linear orders which are minimal with respect to not being σ-scattered are either Countryman types or real types. We also outline a plausible approach to demonstrating the relative consistency of: There are no minimal non-σ-scattered linear orders. In the process of establishing these results, we will...
We shall show that Open Coloring Axiom has different influence on the algebra than on . The tool used to accomplish this is forcing with a Suslin tree.