Displaying 441 – 460 of 2115

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Distributivity of lattices of binary relations

Ivan Chajda (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

We present a formal scheme which whenever satisfied by relations of a given relational lattice L containing only reflexive and transitive relations ensures distributivity of L .

Double n -ary relational structures

Jiří Karásek (1997)

Mathematica Bohemica

In [7], V. Novak and M. Novotny studied ternary relational structures by means of pairs of binary structures; they obtained the so-called double binary structures. In this paper, the idea is generalized to relational structures of any finite arity.

Duality for some free modes

Krzysztof J. Pszczoła, Anna B. Romanowska, Jonathan D.H. Smith (2003)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The paper establishes a duality between a category of free subreducts of affine spaces and a corresponding category of generalized hypercubes with constants. This duality yields many others, in particular a duality between the category of (finitely generated) free barycentric algebras (simplices of real affine spaces) and a corresponding category of hypercubes with constants.

Eigenspace of a circulant max–min matrix

Martin Gavalec, Hana Tomášková (2010)


The eigenproblem of a circulant matrix in max-min algebra is investigated. Complete characterization of the eigenspace structure of a circulant matrix is given by describing all possible types of eigenvectors in detail.

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 2115