A note on varieties with distributive subalgebra lattices
We obtain a principal topology and some related results. We also give some hints of possible applications. Some mathematical systems are both lattice and topological space. We show that a topology defined on the any bounded lattice is definable in terms of uninorms. Also, we see that these topologies satisfy the condition of the principal topology. These topologies can not be metrizable except for the discrete metric case. We show an equivalence relation on the class of uninorms on a bounded lattice...
It is shown that in a finitely decidable equational class, the solvable radical of any finite subdirectly irreducible member is comparable to all congruences of the irreducible if the type of the monolith is 2. In the type 1 case we establish that the centralizer of the monolith is strongly solvable.
We prove a theorem (for arbitrary ring varieties and, in a stronger form, for varieties of associative rings) which basically reduces the problem of a description of varieties with distributive subvariety lattice to the case of algebras over a finite prime field.
A diagrammatic statement is developed for the generalized semidistributive law in case of single algebras assuming that their congruences are permutable. Without permutable congruences, a diagrammatic statement is developed for the ∧-semidistributive law.
To binary trees, two-ary integers are what usual integers are to natural numbers, seen as unary trees. We can represent two-ary integers as binary trees too, yet with leaves labelled by binary words and with a structural restriction. In a sense, they are simpler than the binary trees, they relativize. Hence, contrary to the extensions known from Arithmetic and Algebra, this integer extension does not make the starting objects more complex. We use a semantic construction to get this extension. This...