Generalization of two identities in Ramanujan's lost notebook
We derive two identities for multiple basic hyper-geometric series associated with the unitary group. In order to get the two identities, we first present two known -exponential operator identities which were established in our earlier paper. From the two identities and combining them with the two -Chu-Vandermonde summations established by Milne, we arrive at our...
Let be a real lacunary formal power series, where εₙ = 0,1 and . It is known that the denominators Qₙ(X) of the convergents of its continued fraction expansion are polynomials with coefficients 0, ±1, and that the number of nonzero terms in Qₙ(X) is the nth term of the Stern-Brocot sequence. We show that replacing the index n by any 2-adic integer ω makes sense. We prove that is a polynomial if and only if ω ∈ ℤ. In all the other cases is an infinite formal power series; we discuss its algebraic...
Nous étudions une loi de composition sur les carrés magiques, qui a déjà été introduite dans la littérature, qui munit l'ensemble de tous les carrés magiques d'une structure de semi-groupe (monoïde). Nous prouvons ensuite une conjecture de Adler et Li, ce semi-groupe est libre.