Displaying 101 – 120 of 227

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Motives over totally real fields and p -adic L -functions

Alexei A. Panchishkin (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Special values of certain L functions of the type L ( M , s ) are studied where M is a motive over a totally real field F with coefficients in another field T , and L ( M , s ) = 𝔭 L 𝔭 ( M , 𝒩 𝔭 - s ) is an Euler product 𝔭 running through maximal ideals of the maximal order 𝒪 F of F and L 𝔭 ( M , X ) - 1 = ( 1 - α ( 1 ) ( 𝔭 ) X ) · ( 1 - α ( 2 ) ( 𝔭 ) X ) · ... · ( 1 - α ( d ) ( 𝔭 ) X ) = 1 + A 1 ( 𝔭 ) X + ... + A d ( 𝔭 ) X d being a polynomial with coefficients in T . Using the Newton and the Hodge polygons of M one formulate a conjectural criterium for the existence of a p -adic analytic continuation of the special values. This conjecture is verified in a number of cases related to...

Multiplicative Systems on Ultra-Metric Spaces

Memic, Nacima (2010)

Mathematica Balkanica New Series

AMS Subj. Classification: MSC2010: 42C10, 43A50, 43A75We perform analysis of certain aspects of approximation in multiplicative systems that appear as duals of ultrametric structures, e.g. in cases of local fields, totally disconnected Abelian groups satisfying the second axiom of countability or more general ultrametric spaces that do not necessarily possess a group structure. Using the fact that the unit sphere of a local field is a Vilenkin group, we introduce a new concept of differentiation in...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 227