Darstellungen von GL(3, Fq) und Gaußsche Summen.
Let . We find explicit conditions on a and b that are necessary and sufficient for f to be a permutation polynomial of . This result allows us to solve a related problem: Let (n ≥ 0, ) be the polynomial defined by the functional equation . We determine all n of the form , α > β ≥ 0, for which is a permutation polynomial of .
We prove a quantitative version of a result of Furstenberg [20] and Deligne [14] stating that the diagonal of a multivariate algebraic power series with coefficients in a field of positive characteristic is algebraic. As a consequence, we obtain that for every prime the reduction modulo of the diagonal of a multivariate algebraic power series with integer coefficients is an algebraic power series of degree at most and height at most , where is an effective constant that only depends on...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11T06, 13P10.A theorem of S.D. Cohen gives a characterization for Dickson polynomials of the second kind that permutes the elements of a finite field of cardinality the square of the characteristic. Here, a different proof is presented for this result.Research supported by the CERES program of the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, contract nr. 39/2002.
The purpose of the present article is the study of duals of functional codes on algebraic surfaces. We give a direct geometrical description of them, using differentials. Even if this description is less trivial, it can be regarded as a natural extension to surfaces of the result asserting that the dual of a functional code on a curve is the differential code . We study the parameters of such codes and state a lower bound for their minimum distance. Using this bound, one can study some examples...