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Determination of a type of permutation trinomials over finite fields

Xiang-dong Hou (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

Let f = a x + b x q + x 2 q - 1 q [ x ] . We find explicit conditions on a and b that are necessary and sufficient for f to be a permutation polynomial of q ² . This result allows us to solve a related problem: Let g n , q p [ x ] (n ≥ 0, p = c h a r q ) be the polynomial defined by the functional equation c q ( x + c ) n = g n , q ( x q - x ) . We determine all n of the form n = q α - q β - 1 , α > β ≥ 0, for which g n , q is a permutation polynomial of q ² .

Diagonalization and rationalization of algebraic Laurent series

Boris Adamczewski, Jason P. Bell (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We prove a quantitative version of a result of Furstenberg [20] and Deligne [14] stating that the diagonal of a multivariate algebraic power series with coefficients in a field of positive characteristic is algebraic. As a consequence, we obtain that for every prime p the reduction modulo p of the diagonal of a multivariate algebraic power series f with integer coefficients is an algebraic power series of degree at most p A and height at most A p A , where A is an effective constant that only depends on...

Dickson curves.

Gomez-Calderon, Javier (2006)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

Dickson Polynomials that are Permutations

Cipu, Mihai (2004)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11T06, 13P10.A theorem of S.D. Cohen gives a characterization for Dickson polynomials of the second kind that permutes the elements of a finite field of cardinality the square of the characteristic. Here, a different proof is presented for this result.Research supported by the CERES program of the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, contract nr. 39/2002.

Differential approach for the study of duals of algebraic-geometric codes on surfaces

Alain Couvreur (2011)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

The purpose of the present article is the study of duals of functional codes on algebraic surfaces. We give a direct geometrical description of them, using differentials. Even if this description is less trivial, it can be regarded as a natural extension to surfaces of the result asserting that the dual of a functional code C L ( D , G ) on a curve is the differential code C Ω ( D , G ) . We study the parameters of such codes and state a lower bound for their minimum distance. Using this bound, one can study some examples...

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