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Quantum sections and Gauge algebras.

Lieven Le Bruyn, Freddy van Oystaeyen (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Using quantum sections of filtered rings and the associated Rees rings one can lift the scheme structure on Proj of the associated graded ring to the Proj of the Rees ring. The algebras of interest here are positively filtered rings having a non-commutative regular quadratic algebra for the associated graded ring; these are the so-called gauge algebras obtaining their name from special examples appearing in E. Witten's gauge theories. The paper surveys basic definitions and properties but concentrates...

Sequences between d-sequences and sequences of linear type

Hamid Kulosman (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The notion of a d-sequence in Commutative Algebra was introduced by Craig Huneke, while the notion of a sequence of linear type was introduced by Douglas Costa. Both types of sequences generate ideals of linear type. In this paper we study another type of sequences, that we call c-sequences. They also generate ideals of linear type. We show that c-sequences are in between d-sequences and sequences of linear type and that the initial subsequences of c-sequences are c-sequences. Finally we prove a...

The strong persistence property and symbolic strong persistence property

Mehrdad Nasernejad, Kazem Khashyarmanesh, Leslie G. Roberts, Jonathan Toledo (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let I be an ideal in a commutative Noetherian ring R . Then the ideal I has the strong persistence property if and only if ( I k + 1 : R I ) = I k for all k , and I has the symbolic strong persistence property if and only if ( I ( k + 1 ) : R I ( 1 ) ) = I ( k ) for all k , where I ( k ) denotes the k th symbolic power of I . We study the strong persistence property for some classes of monomial ideals. In particular, we present a family of primary monomial ideals failing the strong persistence property. Finally, we show that every square-free monomial ideal has the...

Un exemple effectif de gradué non noethérien associé à une valuation divisorielle

Vincent Cossart, Carlos Galindo, Olivier Piltant (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit R = k [ x , y , z ] ( x , y , z ) le localisé de l’anneau des polynômes à trois variables sur le corps k de caractéristique nulle. Nous construisons une valuation divisorielle ν de R , nous calculons un système minimal de générateurs de la k -algèbre gr ν ( R ) associée à la filtration ν -adique. Ce système est infini : gr ν ( R ) n’est pas noethérien.

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