Schälbare Cohen-Macauley-Komplexe und ihre Parametrisierung.
We consider Stanley-Reisner rings where is the edge ideal associated to some particular classes of hypergraphs. For instance, we consider hypergraphs that are natural generalizations of graphs that are lines and cycles, and for these we compute the Betti numbers. We also generalize some known results about chordal graphs and study a weak form of shellability.
We define nice partitions of the multicomplex associated with a Stanley ideal. As the main result we show that if the monomial ideal is a CM Stanley ideal, then is a Stanley ideal as well, where is the polarization of .
For a monomial ideal I ⊂ S = K[x 1...,x n], we show that sdepth(S/I) ≥ n − g(I), where g(I) is the number of the minimal monomial generators of I. If I =νI′, where ν ∈ S is a monomial, then we see that sdepth(S/I) = sdepth(S/I′). We prove that if I is a monomial ideal I ⊂ S minimally generated by three monomials, then I and S/I satisfy the Stanley conjecture. Given a saturated monomial ideal I ⊂ K[x 1,x 2,x 3] we show that sdepth(I) = 2. As a consequence, sdepth(I) ≥ sdepth(K[x 1,x 2,x 3]//I) +1...