Ein Analogon des Satzes von Nagell-Lutz über die Torsion einer elliptischen Kurve.
We construct isotrivial and non-isotrivial elliptic curves over with an arbitrarily large set of separable integral points. As an application of this construction, we prove that there are isotrivial log-general type varieties over with a Zariski dense set of separable integral points. This provides a counterexample to a natural translation of the Lang-Vojta conjecture to the function field setting. We also show that our main result provides examples of elliptic curves with an explicit and arbitrarily...
Let the field be complete w.r.t. a non-archimedean valuation. Let be a Mumford curve, i.e. the irreducible components of the stable reduction of have genus 0. The abelian etale coverings of are constructed using the analytic uniformization and the theta-functions on . For a local field one rediscovers . Frey’s description of the maximal abelian unramified extension of the field of rational functions of .