Finite group schemes, local moduli for abelian varieties, and lifting problems Frans Oort (1971) Compositio Mathematica
Finite locally free group schemes in characteristic p and Dieudonné modules. A.J. de Jong (1993) Inventiones mathematicae
Fixpunkt- und Struktursätze für affine, algebraische Gruppenschemata in Charakteristik p. Hans-Martin Meyer, Ulrich Oberst (1977) Mathematische Annalen
Flasque resolutions of reductive group schemes Cristian González-Avilés (2013) Open Mathematics We generalize Colliot-Thélène’s construction of flasque resolutions of reductive group schemes over a field to a broad class of base schemes.
Formes Différentielles et Modules de Tate des Variétés Abéliennes sur les Corps Locaux. Jean-Marc Fontaine (1981/1982) Inventiones mathematicae