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On the computation of the minimal resolution of smooth parametric varieties. Ferruccio Orecchia (2001) Collectanea Mathematica
On the Defining Equations of Points in General Position in Pn. Wolfgang Vogel, Paolo Maroscia (1984) Mathematische Annalen
On the differential of applications defined on moduli spaces of p.p.a.v. with level theata structure. R. Salvati Manni (1996) Mathematische Zeitschrift
On the dimension of the adjoint linear system for threefolds M. C. Beltrametti, A. J. Sommese (1995) Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze
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On the homogeneous ideal of collinear punctual subschemes of P2. Edoardo Ballico (1998) Collectanea Mathematica
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On the Link Space of a Gorenstein Quasihomogeneous Surface Singularity. Igor V. Dolgachev (1983) Mathematische Annalen
On the moduli spaces of Gorenstein curves with symmetric Weierstrass semigroups. Karl-Otto Stöhr (1993) Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
On the Number of Equations Defining Certain Varieties. Margherita Barile (1996) Manuscripta mathematica
On the Number of Faces of Simplicial Complexes and the Purity of Frobenius. Peter Schenzel (1981) Mathematische Zeitschrift
On the preservation of k-very ampleness under adjunction. Mauro C. Beltrametti, A.J. Sommenese (1993) Mathematische Zeitschrift
On the projective normality of the adjunction bundles. Andrew J. Sommese, M. Andreatta (1991) Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
On the Varieties Parametrizing Rational Space Curves with Fixed Normal Bundle. Gianni Sacchiero (1982) Manuscripta mathematica
On zero-dimensional subschemes of a complete intersections. Ngo Viet Trung, Giuseppe Valla (1995) Mathematische Zeitschrift