Displaying 41 – 60 of 176

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Equations defining reducible Kummer surfaces in ℙ⁵

Tomasz Szemberg (1996)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Principally polarized abelian surfaces are the Jacobians of smooth genus 2 curves or of stable genus 2 curves of special type. In [S] we studied equations describing Kummer surfaces in the case of an irreducible principal polarization on the abelian surface. The aim of this note is to give a treatment of the second case. We describe intermediate Kummer surfaces coming from abelian surfaces carrying a product principal polarization. In Proposition 12 we give explicit equations of these surfaces in...

Families of reduced zero-dimensional schemes.

Juan C. Migliore (2006)

Collectanea Mathematica

A great deal of recent activity has centered on the question of whether, for a given Hilbert function, there can fail to be a unique minimum set of graded Betti numbers, and this is closely related to the question of whether the associated Hilbert scheme is irreducible or not. We give a broad class of Hilbert functions for which we show that there is no minimum, and hence that the associated Hilbert sheme is reducible. Furthermore, we show that the Weak Lefschetz Property holds for the general element...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 176