Tableaux de Young et fonctions de Schur-Littlewood
Nous caractérisons, en terme de dimension (topologique et de Hausdorff) des fibres des espaces de limites de tangents et du cône de Whitney, les conditions de régularité et sur une stratification . Nous précisons ces résultats lorsque les espaces qui interviennent ne sont pas fractals, en particulier lorsque la stratification est sous-analytique.
First-order jet bundles can be put at the foundations of the modern geometric approach to nonlinear PDEs, since higher-order jet bundles can be seen as constrained iterated jet bundles. The definition of first-order jet bundles can be given in many equivalent ways - for instance, by means of Grassmann bundles. In this paper we generalize it by means of flag bundles, and develop the corresponding theory for higher-oder and infinite-order jet bundles. We show that this is a natural geometric framework...
Equivalence is established between a special class of Painlevé VI equations parametrized by a conformal dimension , time dependent Euler top equations, isomonodromic deformations and three-dimensional Frobenius manifolds. The isomonodromic tau function and solutions of the Euler top equations are explicitly constructed in terms of Wronskian solutions of the 2-vector 1-constrained symplectic Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (CKP) hierarchy by means of Grassmannian formulation. These Wronskian solutions give...