Nice modular varieties.
Nodal curves in
Siano , , interi con ; se esiste in una curva connessa, non singolare di grado e genere , allora esiste in una curva irriducibile di grado , genere aritmetico e nodi.
Non-obstructedness of Gorenstein Subschemes of Codimension 3 in P...
Non-reflexive projective curves of low degree.
Normal projective surfaces with
Normalformen für Flächen 3. Ordnung
Nouvelles courbes de bon genre dans l'espace projectif.
Nouvelles surfaces à noeuds dans IP3.
O jisté ploše bikvadratické, jež souvisí s theorií komplexu os rotačních ploch kuželových jdoucích třemi danými body
O křivkovém a plošném elementu třetího řádu projektivního prostoru
O šestnáctém Hilbertově problému
On 3-folds in which are scrolls
On blowing down projective spaces in singular varieties.
On Castelnuovo's equivalence defect.
On codimension-two subvarieties of hypersurfaces.
On completing conics
On contributions of embedded components to intersection theory, a first approach
On degenerate secant varieties of secant defect two.
On hypersurfaces in with fat points in general position.