On the Definition of a Quadratic Form
In this note, we show how the determinant of the q-distance matrix Dq(T) of a weighted directed graph G can be expressed in terms of the corresponding determinants for the blocks of G, and thus generalize the results obtained by Graham et al. [R.L. Graham, A.J. Hoffman and H. Hosoya, On the distance matrix of a directed graph, J. Graph Theory 1 (1977) 85-88]. Further, by means of the result, we determine the determinant of the q-distance matrix of the graph obtained from a connected weighted graph...
Recently, determinant computation of circulant type matrices with well-known number sequences has been studied, extensively. This study provides the determinants of the RFMLR, RLMFL, RFPrLrR and RLPrFrL circulant matrices with generalized number sequences of second order.
Let be a set of distinct positive integers and an integer. Denote the power GCD (resp. power LCM) matrix on having the -th power of the greatest common divisor (resp. the -th power of the least common multiple ) as the -entry of the matrix by (resp. . We call the set an odd gcd closed (resp. odd lcm closed) set if every element in is an odd number and (resp. ) for all . In studying the divisibility of the power LCM and power GCD matrices, Hong conjectured in 2004 that...
The concept of doubling, which was introduced around 1840 by Graves and Hamilton, associates with any quadratic algebra 𝓐 over a field k of characteristic not 2 its double 𝓥(𝓐 ) = 𝓐 × 𝓐 with multiplication (w,x)(y,z) = (wy - z̅x,xy̅ + zw). This yields an endofunctor on the category of all quadratic k-algebras which is faithful but not full. We study in which respect the division property of a quadratic k-algebra is preserved under doubling and, provided this is the case, whether the...
It is known that the existence of the group inverse a # of a ring element a is equivalent to the invertibility of a 2 a − + 1 − aa −, independently of the choice of the von Neumann inverse a − of a. In this paper, we relate the Drazin index of a to the Drazin index of a 2 a − + 1 − aa −. We give an alternative characterization when considering matrices over an algebraically closed field. We close with some questions and remarks.