Weakly commutative Lie semigroups.
By a sign pattern (matrix) we mean an array whose entries are from the set . The sign patterns for which every real matrix with sign pattern has the property that its inverse has sign pattern are characterized. Sign patterns for which some real matrix with sign pattern has that property are investigated. Some fundamental results as well as constructions concerning such sign pattern matrices are provided. The relation between these sign patterns and the sign patterns of orthogonal matrices...
We characterize matrices whose powers coincide with their Hadamard powers.
In this paper, it has been shown that the complex matrix variate Dirichlet type I density factors into the complex matrix variate beta type I densities. Similar result has also been derived for the complex matrix variate Dirichlet type II density. Also, by using certain matrix transformations, the complex matrix variate Dirichlet distributions have been generated from the complex matrix beta distributions. Further, several results on the product of complex Wishart and complex beta matrices with...