Random matrices and permutations, matrix integrals and integrable systems
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Pierre van Moerbeke (1999/2000)
Séminaire Bourbaki
Diaconis, Persi, Gamburd, Alex (2004)
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]
Neil O'Connell (2002)
Séminaire de probabilités de Strasbourg
Stephen J. Kirkland (2016)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We consider an accessibility index for the states of a discrete-time, ergodic, homogeneous Markov chain on a finite state space; this index is naturally associated with the random walk centrality introduced by Noh and Reiger (2004) for a random walk on a connected graph. We observe that the vector of accessibility indices provides a partition of Kemeny's constant for the Markov chain. We provide three characterizations of this accessibility index: one in terms of the first return time to the state...
Meenakshi, A.R. (2000)
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series
Tian, Yongge (2010)
ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only]
Seok-Zun Song, Kyung-Tae Kang (2003)
Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications
For a rank-1 matrix over max algebra, we define the perimeter of A as the number of nonzero entries in both a and b. We characterize the linear operators which preserve the rank and perimeter of rank-1 matrices over max algebra. That is, a linear operator T preserves the rank and perimeter of rank-1 matrices if and only if it has the form T(A) = U ⊗ A ⊗ V, or with some monomial matrices U and V.
Xiaonan Hu, Charles R. Johnson, Caroline E. Davis, Yimeng Zhang (2016)
Special Matrices
A new type of matrix, termed permutative, is defined and motivated herein. The focus is upon identifying circumstances under which square permutative matrices are rank deficient. Two distinct ways, along with variants upon them are given. These are a special kind of grouping of rows and a type of partition in which the blocks are again permutative. Other, results are given, along with some questions and conjectures.
Friedrich Götze, Alexander Tikhomirov, Dmitry Timushev (2007)
Open Mathematics
It is shown that the Kolmogorov distance between the expected spectral distribution function of an n × n matrix from the Deformed Gaussian Ensemble and the distribution function of the semi-circle law is of order O(n −2/3+v ).
Đoković, Dragomir Ž., Severini, Simone, Szöllősi, Ferenc (2009)
ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only]
Wei Fang, Wei Gao, Yubin Gao, Fei Gong, Guangming Jing, Zhongshan Li, Yan Ling Shao, Lihua Zhang (2016)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
A sign pattern matrix (or nonnegative sign pattern matrix) is a matrix whose entries are from the set (, respectively). The minimum rank (or rational minimum rank) of a sign pattern matrix is the minimum of the ranks of the matrices (rational matrices, respectively) whose entries have signs equal to the corresponding entries of . Using a correspondence between sign patterns with minimum rank and point-hyperplane configurations in and Steinitz’s theorem on the rational realizability of...
Bru, Rafael, Coll, Carmen, Romero, Sergio, Sánchez, Elena (2004)
ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only]
Tadeusz Kaczorek (2009)
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
A new class of cone fractional continuous-time linear systems is introduced. Necessary and sufficient conditions for a fractional linear system to be a cone fractional one are established. Sufficient conditions for the reachability of cone fractional systems are given. The discussion is illustrated with an example of linear cone fractional systems.
Pablo Gonzalez Vicente (1986)
Statistique et analyse des données
Morris, Walter D. jun. (2003)
ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only]
Ahdout, Shahla, Rothman, Sheldon (2006)
Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas
Thapper, Johan (2006)
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire [electronic only]
Deaett, Louis, Olesky, Dale D., Van Den Driessche, Pauline (2010)
ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only]
Huang, Ting-Zhu, Zhang, Wei, Shen, Shu-Qian (2006)
ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra [electronic only]
Y.M. Baryshnikov, R.A. Vitale (1994)
Discrete & computational geometry
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