Finding a cluster-tilting object for a representation finite cluster-tilted algebra
We provide a technique to find a cluster-tilting object having a given cluster-tilted algebra as endomorphism ring in the finite type case.
We provide a technique to find a cluster-tilting object having a given cluster-tilted algebra as endomorphism ring in the finite type case.
Let K be a field of characteristic p > 0, K* the multiplicative group of K and a finite group, where is a p-group and B is a p’-group. Denote by a twisted group algebra of G over K with a 2-cocycle λ ∈ Z²(G,K*). We give necessary and sufficient conditions for G to be of OTP projective K-representation type, in the sense that there exists a cocycle λ ∈ Z²(G,K*) such that every indecomposable -module is isomorphic to the outer tensor product V W of an indecomposable -module V and a simple...
Let S be a commutative complete discrete valuation domain of positive characteristic p, S* the unit group of S, Ω a subgroup of S* and a finite group, where is a p-group and B is a p’-group. Denote by the twisted group algebra of G over S with a 2-cocycle λ ∈ Z²(G,S*). For Ω satisfying a specific condition, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for G to be of OTP projective (S,Ω)-representation type, in the sense that there exists a cocycle λ ∈ Z²(G,Ω) such that every indecomposable...
We show that the mutation class of a coloured quiver arising from an m-cluster tilting object associated with a finite-dimensional hereditary algebra H, is finite if and only if H is of finite or tame representation type, or it has at most two simples. This generalizes a result known for cluster categories.
Let G be a finite group, K a field of characteristic p > 0, and the twisted group algebra of G over K with a 2-cocycle λ ∈ Z²(G,K*). We give necessary and sufficient conditions for to be of semi-wild representation type in the sense of Drozd. We also introduce the concept of projective K-representation type for a finite group (tame, semi-wild, purely semi-wild) and we exhibit finite groups of each type.
The strong global dimension of a finite dimensional algebra A is the maximum of the width of indecomposable bounded differential complexes of finite dimensional projective A-modules. We prove that the strong global dimension of a finite dimensional radical square zero algebra A over an algebraically closed field is finite if and only if A is piecewise hereditary. Moreover, we discuss results concerning the finiteness of the strong global dimension of algebras and the related problem on the density...
Let R be a split extension of an artin algebra A by a nilpotent bimodule , and let M be an indecomposable non-projective A-module. We show that the almost split sequences ending with M in mod A and mod R coincide if and only if = 0 and .
We study associative, basic n × n𝔸-full matrix algebras over a field, whose multiplications are determined by structure systems 𝔸, that is, n-tuples of n × n matrices with certain properties.
Given a locally bounded k-category R and a group acting freely on R we study the properties of the ideal generated by a class of indecomposable locally finite-dimensional modules called halflines (Theorem 3.3). They are applied to prove that under certain circumstances the Galois covering reduction to stabilizers, for the Galois covering F: R → R/G, is strictly full (Theorems 1.5 and 4.2).
We study the Clebsch-Gordan problem for quiver representations, i.e. the problem of decomposing the point-wise tensor product of any two representations of a quiver into its indecomposable direct summands. For this purpose we develop results describing the behaviour of the point-wise tensor product under Galois coverings. These are applied to solve the Clebsch-Gordan problem for the double loop quivers with relations αβ = βα = αⁿ = βⁿ = 0. These quivers were originally studied by I. M. Gelfand and...
We develop a theory of general sheaves over weighted projective lines. We define and study a canonical decomposition, analogous to Kac's canonical decomposition for representations of quivers, study subsheaves of a general sheaf, general ranks of morphisms, and prove analogues of Schofield's results on general representations of quivers. Using these, we give a recursive algorithm for computing properties of general sheaves. Many of our results are proved in a more abstract setting, involving a hereditary...