Semigroups and rings whose proper one-sided ideals are power joined
We give an elementary and self-contained proof of the theorem which says that for a semiprime ring commutativity, Lie-nilpotency, and nilpotency of the Lie ring of inner derivations are equivalent conditions
We examine when the nil and prime radicals of an algebra are stable under q-skew σ-derivations. We provide an example which shows that even if q is not a root of 1 or if δ and σ commute in characteristic 0, then the nil and prime radicals need not be δ-stable. However, when certain finiteness conditions are placed on δ or σ, then the nil and prime radicals are δ-stable.
Generalizing Petrogradsky’s construction, we give examples of infinite-dimensional nil Lie algebras of finite Gelfand–Kirillov dimension over any field of positive characteristic.
An associated ring R with identity is said to be a left FTF ring when the class of the submodules of flat left R-modules is closed under injective hulls and direct products. We prove (Theorem 3.5) that a strongly graded ring R by a locally finite group G is FTF if and only if Re is left FTF, where e is a neutral element of G. This provides new examples of left FTF rings. Some consequences of this Theorem are given.