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Centers in domains with quadratic growth

Agata Smoktunowicz (2005)

Open Mathematics

Let F be a field, and let R be a finitely-generated F-algebra, which is a domain with quadratic growth. It is shown that either the center of R is a finitely-generated F-algebra or R satisfies a polynomial identity (is PI) or else R is algebraic over F. Let r ∈ R be not algebraic over F and let C be the centralizer of r. It is shown that either the quotient ring of C is a finitely-generated division algebra of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 1 or R is PI.

Classification of finite rings: theory and algorithm

Mahmood Behboodi, Reza Beyranvand, Amir Hashemi, Hossein Khabazian (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

An interesting topic in the ring theory is the classification of finite rings. Although rings of certain orders have already been classified, a full description of all rings of a given order remains unknown. The purpose of this paper is to classify all finite rings (up to isomorphism) of a given order. In doing so, we introduce a new concept of quasi basis for certain type of modules, which is a useful computational tool for dealing with finite rings. Then, using this concept, we give structure...

Closed extensions of R-modules in the case of a semi-artinian ring R

Frans Loonstra (1985)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si considerano le estensioni chiuse B di un R -modulo A mediante un R -modulo C nel caso in cui R sia un anello semi-artiniano, cioè un anello R con la proprietà che per ogni quoziente ( R / I ) 0 sia soc ( R / I ) 0 . Tali estensioni sono caratterizzate dal fatto che A deve essere un sottomodulo semi-puro di B .

Coherence relative to a weak torsion class

Zhanmin Zhu (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a ring. A subclass 𝒯 of left R -modules is called a weak torsion class if it is closed under homomorphic images and extensions. Let 𝒯 be a weak torsion class of left R -modules and n a positive integer. Then a left R -module M is called 𝒯 -finitely generated if there exists a finitely generated submodule N such that M / N 𝒯 ; a left R -module A is called ( 𝒯 , n ) -presented if there exists an exact sequence of left R -modules 0 K n - 1 F n - 1 F 1 F 0 M 0 such that F 0 , , F n - 1 are finitely generated free and K n - 1 is 𝒯 -finitely generated; a left R -module...

Cohomologie locale de certains anneaux Auslander-Gorenstein.

Marie-Paule Malliavin (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We give axiomatic conditions in order to calculate the local cohomology of some idempotent kernel functors. These results lie in some new dimension introduced by T. Levasseur for Auslander-Gorenstein rings. Under some hypothesis, we generalize previous results.

Complexity and periodicity

Petter Andreas Bergh (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let M be a finitely generated module over an Artin algebra. By considering the lengths of the modules in the minimal projective resolution of M, we obtain the Betti sequence of M. This sequence must be bounded if M is eventually periodic, but the converse fails to hold in general. We give conditions under which it holds, using techniques from Hochschild cohomology. We also provide a result which under certain conditions guarantees the existence of periodic modules. Finally, we study the case when...

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