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Jordan- and Lie geometries

Wolfgang Bertram (2013)

Archivum Mathematicum

In these lecture notes we report on research aiming at understanding the relation beween algebras and geometries, by focusing on the classes of Jordan algebraic and of associative structures and comparing them with Lie structures. The geometric object sought for, called a generalized projective, resp. an associative geometry, can be seen as a combination of the structure of a symmetric space, resp. of a Lie group, with the one of a projective geometry. The text is designed for readers having basic...

Jordan *-derivation pairs on standard operator algebras and related results

Dilian Yang (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Motivated by Problem 2 in [2], Jordan *-derivation pairs and n-Jordan *-mappings are studied. From the results on these mappings, an affirmative answer to Problem 2 in [2] is given when E = F in (1) or when 𝓐 is unital. For the general case, we prove that every Jordan *-derivation pair is automatically real-linear. Furthermore, a characterization of a non-normal prime *-ring under some mild assumptions and a representation theorem for quasi-quadratic functionals are provided.

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